Half of that is lore which is interesting stuff. Anything else in OP > Fights
Post-arc stuff is always the best too. It's when Oda is probably his most creative cause he gives us world updates as well.

Plus, Wano is like the first arc with more lore/island mystery than previous arcs, so thats a good thing once this ends.
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You guys are confused, that prisoner gif lance posted wasn't related to the chapter. Its us picking away at the post count until we reach page 16000
I feel like this is accurateXD
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No joke, post more you fools.

I can definitely see Lance taking that joke about reaching 16000 to troll lmao
Post-arc stuff is always the best too. It's when Oda is probably his most creative cause he gives us world updates as well.

Plus, Wano is like the first arc with more lore/island mystery than previous arcs, so thats a good thing once this ends.
Yes. Obviously Oda did it on purpose but I think it was a misstep making the outside world and flashbacks more interesting then anything happening in Wano rn.

Also just think the fights have never been worse then Onigashima. Other then Robins fight I haven’t been impressed at all.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Arc definitely has like ~15-20 more chapters to close its story lol. If Kaido is defeated in 2-3 chapters, there is still so much left to do with:

- mid act updates (asking Act 3 ends when Kaido loses)
- Momo becoming Shogun
- Closure for all scabbards
- Strawhats recovery/party
- Kaido and his crew fate
- Yamato/Kaido flashback(s)?
- Zoro visiting Ryuma's grave (Onimaru stuff)
- Potential closure on Sandai/Nidai plot and Tengu's actual identity (still hidden and he's clearly a master swordsmith that made Ame while Kozaburo made Enma for Oden)
- Zunisha
- Opening Wano's border
- The "Dawn"
- Kaido's Road Poneglyph

And more that I'm forgetting probably.
Tengu is odens dad
Tengu is odens dad
I still believe that. @Bounty has given some really good reasons for it too.

His son had Enma and Ame at a young age, made by 2 famed swordmakers. Tengu never actually has gone into his past, yet he made one sword for Oden over 50 years ago. That's a big fucking deal that hasn't been touched on lol

I also would not be surprised if Tama is a ophan from the Kurozumi family line. Him taking her in as an orphan would also make sense, especially as a means to eliminate the idea that all Kurozumi's are bad. I'm still even questioning if Toko was really Yasue's daughter. His wife died years before, and he doesn't seem to have another lover in the series.

Both Toko and Tama actually have very similar stories as poor children in Wano. They also have Pink/Purple hair, and oddly enough, Orochi is met down the middle with a bright purple color.

I feel like some weird shit is going on there still.
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Is there another break after this chapter?:hope:
No. 1049 will come out the week of May 8th. There will probably be a break after that though, as that would be 3 chapters in a row by Oda without his break
also would not be surprised if Tama is a ophan from the Kurozumi family line. Him taking her in as an orphan would also make sense, especially as a means to eliminate the idea that all Kurozumi's are bad. I'm still even questioning if Toko was really Yasue's daughter. His wife died years before, and he doesn't seem to have another lover in the series.
Isn't it confirmed that Yasuie adopted Toko?