But there's something about the One Piece community that keeps selling me that everything Oda does is perfect and never wrong that ticks me off

I don't know
Idk why some (or many??) people in the community seem to think that One Piece is a perfect story and that Oda is a "good guy" when this man is clearly a narcissist that would sell his soul for money.

Gorosei Informer

I think part of the reason i'm so critical of One Piece is because of how much the community overhypes it

I've followed Naruto and the MCU, and i don't have nearly the same "distaste" for those franchises for example, because they already are talked down a lot so i just enjoy what i like about them

But there's something about the One Piece community that keeps selling me that everything Oda does is perfect and never wrong that ticks me off

I don't know

Its literally a cult and a grift. Thats why I get so mad at times. A lot of OP fans will gaslight you, act like its perfect and can't be criticised, that the problem is only with you and that you're ungrateful/pessimistic/too entitled/a hater etc.

Some of these fans at least willl end up mouthing off anyway ironically when things don't go their way in the story or something pisses them off but then they quick slip the mask back on and carry on with their toxic positivity facade like nothing happened.

Ironically these fans of such an immensely focused/thematic series about freedom are extremely quick to shut down any "dissent" and they will happily gang upon, bully, harass and insult people for speaking out against the hive mind and perfect status quo.

When I was new to OP almost 2 decades ago now, I made the mistake of saying I liked SOME of the 4Kids voice acting and dub in the comments of a Youtube video for a 4Kds OP scene, just SOME of the voice acting and you know what happened? Some of these "benevolent, mature, caring, wonderful, positive, grateful etc" OP fans SPAMMED my inbox with literal death threats, hate mail and such, for saying something POSITIVE about One Piece ironically!

I've seen the community constantly gang up on people who criticise OP especially people like Dustan and Drizzt and clown on them, turning them into designated villains and being toxic as fuck to them. I've seen it on here too with people who make threads and posts that are "negative in nature" about OP and Oda including in response to my own posts of that nature too.

If OP is so perfect and thus untouchable, why does such "meaningless slander" wind up these people and provoke such outrage and necessity to defend it and even censor it from them?

Despite my issues with current OP and post TS too, I've been going over old OP content both pre and post TS and not only discovering new stuff I didn't see pre TS due to one reason or another but also remembering stuff I've forgotten from both pre and post TS and enjoying it a lot. I still prefer pre TS by far but Post TS does have a lot of great content that is getting ignored, forgotten or just downplayed.
There is a lot of terrible stuff post TS too but its still not entirely as bad as I thought it was before too, it has its redeeming qualities here and there.

What does help too is the absolute majority of the fanbase pedestals Oda and OP so much, calling him Goda and OP the greatest series/manga/story etc ever and "literal perfection/peak fiction" and repeatedly spamming that "One Piece is crazy good this week" from one of those shameless, lazy, uncreative series out there desperate to get recognition for mentioning OP and clawing some of its fame from that or so. That might be harsh ofc but I really hate it when series blatantly reference IRL stuff like that and even worse wank it off like they do. At least Gintama had the better idea of doing "parodies" of these series, doing their own references but not just being attention whores by saying "OMG OP is crazy good this week". Having a character say that in a fictional series is really jarring for me.

Real fans know whatever they love isn't perfect, that is flawed. Its like truly loving someone, you know they aren't perfect, they have flaws and you accept and love them for those too because that is part of who they are and makes up part of them too.

These posers or irrational fans will obsess over the series, sports team, celebrity or whatever they choose and make it their own entire identity and thus creating this fragile persona that is based entirely around what they are obsessed with it and can be shattered/burst/stained/ruined easily by one too many critiques or just a strong enough criticism even so they vehemently defend it with their own lives effectively and vilify enough who dares to shatter their delusional, overexaggerated narrative/fantasy of what they are obsessed with.

In other words, literal cult/toxic Stan behaviour.

Eminem made such a fantastic song about that and its where the slang term "Stan" even comes from:

Also the 4Kids dub started 18 years ago in 2004 btw. Almost 20 years now...

Wow, that Stan song is 20 years old this year too! Welp!...