I didn't say he was a saint either lmfao, I knew someone would bring up killing he chefs thing, its not like that kind of behaviour is encouraged in that family now is it? Pudding? Big Moms youngest daughter with the knife and doll?
Katakuri was scummy for doing that, I did hate he did that but if I start hating character for killing people, its going to be very exhausting to narrow down that list and find characters who do pass such specific moral standards and thus can live up to them.
Its not like One Piece is full of gray characters who are more complex morally and thus not your typical heroes and villains too? People simp for WAY worse characters than Katakuri in terms of morals, actions and such in OP and other seires.
If he knew about Chiffon getting beaten, then he has no excuse and he is scum. Especially for someone who claims to want to protect his siblings so much. There are ways he could have helped her somehow. If Lola could escape too, why not help Chiffon escape too?
None of the family are saints, thats my point too. But as I blatantly said, I relate to Katakuri a lot and thats why I am biased towards him too. You may not like my opinions and bias and thats fine, you dont have to act like its the gospe, factual or truth or w/e.
Idk why you're taking my opinions of wanting Katakuri to leave his family so personally but thats just what I believe, I'm not the one writing the story here obviously so you have nothing to fear either. Oda is not going make Katakuri leave his family because I want him to ofc.
As I said, I have experienced DECADES of extreme abuse from ABUSIVE AS FUCK family members, all kinds of abuse at that from childhood so pardon me for wanting to see someone who I feel is being taken advantage of, abused, burdened and the scapegoat of the family being freed from that toxic family and getting a better life smh lmfao.
If this bothers you so much, just ignore what I'm saying, simple as that. I'm trying to learn to do the same with others too, even putting them on ignore literally if needed. Sure it creates more of an echo chamber but I rather than getting into arguments with people over such trivial things like this. Feel free to ignore what I said, it would be better for both of us even funnilyy enough.
As I was just saying, its just my opinion and you don't need to get so defensive about me being so biased to Katakuri and wanting better for him in my own perspective. I don't think he's a saint, far from it but the point is he's still a good person. None of the SHs are saints, they did a lot of immortal shit too, yet they can still be good people, do good things and thus even heroic ofc.