Will ZKK happen?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
my Predictions
1-sanji and zoro will fight in elbaf like dorry and brogy and sanji will lose one of his eyes in that fight.

2-one piece will be an egg and that is why roger says this

and sanji will be the one to hatch it with because of his DNA .
3- RIP shanks mihawk pudding by blackbeard pirates
4- zoro he is the one who killed kuina .


No, i mean like

if Oda let Hiyori kill Orochi using a sword, we could just get a two~three panel flashback of Denjiro teaching Hiyori how to use a sword and fight

then he would be tied to her killing him

but it wasn't shown in the manga yet
No, i mean like

if Oda let Hiyori kill Orochi using a sword, we could just a two~three panel flashback of Denjiro teaching Hiyori how to use a sword and fight

then he would be tied to her killing him

but it wasn't shown in the manga yet
Werent swords confiscated in the Land of Wano? Isnt Hiyori an Oiran?
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