Will ZKK happen?

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Okay but first
Let me lower my standards to your levels and argue with same way you were "arguging" for Zoro not using CoC Barrier
Where ? Show me a panel that Luffy used CoA barrier against Apoo.
Lmao why won't he when he would have died without it

Show me a panel that Luffy used CoA barrier against Ulti.

Look a Barrier next to Luffy's face. Apoo's Attack no sells that barrier and fucks Luffy up

Show me a panel that Luffy used CoA barrier against Ulti.
Luffy uses a barrier to get past Ulti with his CoA barrier but his barrier is too weak and Ulti breaks and makes Luffy feel tons of pain

Show me a panel that Luffy used CoA barrier to coated against wind scythe.
Lmao when Wind Scythe can tear Sun God CoA coated Nika apart, no shit he needs barrier to barely survive it

Show me a panel that Luffy's devil fruit is come form Joy Boy sperm.

What is your 4th of July Fire work ?
It literally says Joy Boy has returned
sHoW mE pAnEl oF jOyBoY sPeRm lmaoo

Here 4th of July kills Luffy

Once again Luffy is all back, meaning coated in CoA, you can see CoA on his hands and he opens his palm like a barrier but barrier is uselses.

@HA001 @Fujishiro @L55
Am I doing this right?
Okay but first
Let me lower my standards to your levels and argue with same way you were "arguging" for Zoro not using CoC Barrier

Lmao why won't he when he would have died without it

Look a Barrier next to Luffy's face. Apoo's Attack no sells that barrier and fucks Luffy up

Luffy uses a barrier to get past Ulti with his CoA barrier but his barrier is too weak and Ulti breaks and makes Luffy feel tons of pain

Lmao when Wind Scythe can tear Sun God CoA coated Nika apart, no shit he needs barrier to barely survive it

It literally says Joy Boy has returned
sHoW mE pAnEl oF jOyBoY sPeRm lmaoo

Here 4th of July kills Luffy

Once again Luffy is all back, meaning coated in CoA, you can see CoA on his hands and he opens his palm like a barrier but barrier is uselses.

@HA001 @Fujishiro @L55
Am I doing this right?
That guy is a clown
His trolling is garbage to
Okay but first
Let me lower my standards to your levels and argue with same way you were "arguging" for Zoro not using CoC Barrier

Lmao why won't he when he would have died without it

Look a Barrier next to Luffy's face. Apoo's Attack no sells that barrier and fucks Luffy up

Luffy uses a barrier to get past Ulti with his CoA barrier but his barrier is too weak and Ulti breaks and makes Luffy feel tons of pain

Lmao when Wind Scythe can tear Sun God CoA coated Nika apart, no shit he needs barrier to barely survive it

It literally says Joy Boy has returned
sHoW mE pAnEl oF jOyBoY sPeRm lmaoo

Here 4th of July kills Luffy

Once again Luffy is all back, meaning coated in CoA, you can see CoA on his hands and he opens his palm like a barrier but barrier is uselses.

@HA001 @Fujishiro @L55
Am I doing this right?
Notice how Fully Body coated Luffy nearly dies to tiny ass 4th of july fire works

Where is Zoro can no sell this with his CoA

This attack SHITS on King Kong Gun
Luffy has penetration Haki which is the most advanced level of CoA but Zoro has ACoA too, named Ryuo. He is able to use Haki flow as well as barrier Haki. That's how he momentarily blocked Hakai and later used CoC barrier to push King away. You can literally see the black lightning traits and the impact.
Ryuo is just Haki.
Notice how easy it is to destroy Luffyturds head canons?
If Luffy was truly stronger than Zoro, you'd think I'd get a little bit of challenge


Its sad really
Luffy with
-Power up #1 WCI
-Power up #2 Udon Prison
-Power up #3 Initial AdvCoC
-Power up #4 AdvCoC Zenkai boost
-Power up #5 Joy Boy Sperm Magical awakening

Still looks like a literal turd compared to Zoro.
No Ryou is Flow of Haki.
Learn to read
Haki flows in different ways.
Swordsmen flow it from their body to their swords
Luffy and rayleigh flow it in form of barriers.

Zoro has more advanced form of Flow
So basically advanced AdvancedCoA

Where not only can he flow Haki from in the Enma, he can pull it back to.
But it can also forcefully regulate his Flow of Haki against Enma, like a Haki tug of war.

And now Zoro is flowing CoC in and out, pouring max CoC in King of Hell Dragon Style mode or less CoC in initial attacks or making CoC barriers.

Luffy is using basics of flow only like internal destruction and Barrier.
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