
I will never forgive Oda
Nope, first time seeing it. I really like the old depictions for T. rex, it's absolutely wrong but it's so iconic too.

Absolutely love this though. The Rexes in The Lost World are my favorite on screen dinosaurs.

LMFAO what the Hell is this doing here

Deleted member 83


I will never forgive Oda
Sometimes I do miss the old standing upright dinosaurs lol

Mine will have to be the Jurassic park one, though I also have some fond memories of the King Kong(2005) ones
I know what you mean. It hits different. Tbh old paleo-art is a lot more mysterious and intriguing to me, so those old depictions suck me in.

Mine will have to be the Jurassic park one, though I also have some fond memories of the King Kong(2005) ones
She's real cool in that. Probably my 2nd favorite, the fence break out scene is probably the best scene in Jurassic Park.

I was so upset as a kid in King Kong when King Kong kills not one, not two but three T. rexes. Peter Jackson hit me hard that day.