First things first: fuck your parents
Second things second: if you want to see a guy orgasm while he's committing seppuku go and watch 'Yukoku'. It's on YouTube without age restriction(why is still a mystery to me)
Isn't that the one based on some Japanese writer or smth that committed seppuku back in like the 60s or 70s?
Please no... All I've heard is it's a horror movie in a pg-13 reskin. I even tried to stay away from spoilers 😭 goddammit marvel
read some reviews. you might like it.
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If you want a good series go watch "Reacher". It's not a comics related series but at least it's free of the hollywood "Message" if you know what I mean.
Banshee type show ?
I can relate to you.
This man's content was next level disturbing but at the same time it's interesting to dive into his mindset.
Honestly, some of the darker shit on the internet is some of the most interesting shit I've ever seen. Although I once watched a beheading video and holy fuck serrated machete's sound fucking awful going through a spine