Turbo game Knight Errant Turbo

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When were you under the impression this game is..

Host: Fujishiro
Time: As soon as it fills up
Phase Length: 20 min Day Phases, 10 min Night Phases (or until everyone submits their actions)

5x Vanilla Townies
2x Vanilla Masoners
(Special Vanilla Townies that start the game in a mason chat)
1x Random Town Power Role (3-shot Commuter, Watcher, Tracker, Doctor, Roleblocker, Gunsmith, Jailer, or Bulletproof)

1x Mafia Goon
1x Random Mafia Power Role
(Bulletproof, Roleblocker, Even-Night Watcher, or Godfather)

1x Jack-Of-All-Trades Serial Killer (Obtains a 1-shot from the Town and Mafia power roles in the game, in addition to an inherent 1-shot of his own from his choice of strongman faction kill, janitor faction kill, immunity to cops, or immunity to trackers/watchers)

Game Terms/Mechanics/Rules:

- Gunsmith: Glorified cop that detects if a player owns a gun or not (cops, jailers, and mafia own guns, other townies and SK do not).
- Godfather: Scans innocent to alignment/gunsmith investigations, but is not bullet proof. SK obtaining this will grant him a 1 shot innocent scan to cops/gunsmith (permanently active until expended)
- Jailer: roleblocks the target while protecting them from kills. Other actions can hit your target, just not kills. Strongman kills bypass this.
- Commuter: Can leave town at night becoming untargetable to night actions. Strongman kills does NOT bypass this.
- Bulletproof: Passive activated permanently. If 1 shot bulletproof then passive is lost upon being shot the first time.

Couple Mechanics:
- Role/Action claiming IS allowed freely.
- Priority in a clash of actions will always be given to SK then mafia then town. In case of a mafia and SK roleblocking each others, the SK wins. in case of a mafia/SK. roleblocking a town roleblocker, the mafia/SK wins.
- You are not notified if you are roleblocked, but will be if jailed.
- Mafia and SK will both have a night faction kill and can use it every night, but not forced to do so.
- Jailers cannot kill in this game.
- Failed kills will not show in writeups. This is to not deny the possibility of abstaining strategies.
- Equal vote results in no lynch.
- Please vote using vote lynch playername, else I may really over look them since the game will be fast paced. You do not need to unvote or change vote lynch if you want to vote a different target.
- most of all, HAVE FUN!

Player list-

1- @Blue
2- @Nana
3- @Ekkologix
4- @Tobi
5- @solis
6- @Dragomir
8- @Pot Goblin
9- @Ratchet
10- @Udell
11- @Zolo

Day 1 started, you have 20 minutes to discuss.


Hi guys 👋

Did someone read the setup? Bc i was lazy and found it complicated, can someone summarise it

5x Vanilla Townies
2x Vanilla Masoners
(Special Vanilla Townies that start the game in a mason chat)
1x Random Town Power Role (3-shot Commuter, Watcher, Tracker, Doctor, Roleblocker, Gunsmith, Jailer, or Bulletproof)

1x Mafia Goon
1x Random Mafia Power Role
(Bulletproof, Roleblocker, Even-Night Watcher, or Godfather)

1x Jack-Of-All-Trades Serial Killer (Obtains a 1-shot from the Town and Mafia power roles in the game, in addition to an inherent 1-shot of his own from his choice of strongman faction kill, janitor faction kill, immunity to cops, or immunity to trackers/watchers)


What could have been...
I would like to town lock myself and i request you all town lock me

1. i can scum hunt better and use more than 2 of my brain cpu cores to scum hunt instead of defend myself
2. mafia will kill me anyway
3. memes

1. none. i wont stab u in the back i promise ;)
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