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if i know i'm town, and i know that by dying i will make town lose a lynch on a better target, it's still bad
I said it's not the end of the world, not that it's good. I'm not saying you should be ok with getting lynched tho. If you have strong opinion, feel free to be verbal about it. If you ends up lynched because of that and you're town, it's people who decided to vote you who's supposed to be worried.

Also, everyone's opinion has the same "weight". Unless you have more vote power or something xd But you get my point. Like, I have 0 doubts that Ratchet is better player whether he's scum or town, but I'm not going sit and ignore concerns I have, because in case there's something behind it, I'm just sitting there wasting space waiting for my turn to get killed. And if I'm wrong and let's say I end up lynching townies only, I'll just hear some mad people in post game xd


I said it's not the end of the world, not that it's good. I'm not saying you should be ok with getting lynched tho. If you have strong opinion, feel free to be verbal about it. If you ends up lynched because of that and you're town, it's people who decided to vote you who's supposed to be worried.

Also, everyone's opinion has the same "weight". Unless you have more vote power or something xd But you get my point. Like, I have 0 doubts that Ratchet is better player whether he's scum or town, but I'm not going sit and ignore concerns I have, because in case there's something behind it, I'm just sitting there wasting space waiting for my turn to get killed. And if I'm wrong and let's say I end up lynching townies only, I'll just hear some mad people in post game xd
All right, i will try to be more assertive going forward

Ratchet and Pheonix are my main scum reads on D1 so far at least, i think i've made that pretty clear


Tbh, if I was jester, I'd focus on someone like Usopp who could easily turn town against me. Indigo turn was unexpected. I mean, for me at least.
Where is Ekko btw?

seems pretty mia

is he in another game? or is his time zone completely nuts compared to ours?

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
W-w-well if you insist, t-t-then I guess it can't be helped

My waifubro is unmotivated to play probably. So it's like whatevs you get me?

Note: Watch that anime.

Animated like aquarelle. Really pleasant to the eye
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