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The End and the Beginning
because your opinion carries more weight around here, clearly

you already had 4 people voting on me just for accusing me and asking for claim when i had done nothing
You're saying that, but half the game seems to think I'm scum. In terms of thread positions, yours is clearly superior to mine right now.


That doesn't really look good on you. Not voting part. Just that you're worried of people's reaction. I mean, even if you're ending up as lynched town, you can still win with town. Lynching scums is great but if your lynch provides town with useful information, it's not the end of the world. You know you're town, but we don't. Assuming you're town and I'm not wasting my time, that is xd

What do you think of Phoenix? And Melkor, why not
if i know i'm town, and i know that by dying i will make town lose a lynch on a better target, it's still bad

why are you scared of Ratchet?
this is weird....
if you think he can be scum just vote for him.
this man convinced 3 people of voting because i did a vote on Udell because you told me so

you think me voting for him after you telling me to do it again is better?
because your opinion carries more weight around here, clearly

you already had 4 people voting on me just for accusing me and asking for claim when i had done nothing
stop being scared of him.
votes will move over and over.
don't be like the other Doctor who also fears Ratchet...

Also do not ever believe that he wasnt serious when he asked you to claim
He saw someone new and thought he could bully you into claiming.
good thing that you didnt btw.
Him saying "sumimasen I didnt actually mean it uWu" is BS
You claim and then that is that your info is out.
Any reason why you wanted to bait reaction from him in particular?

But then again, last game he's been bussing his teammates. Meaning if he's acting like last game, wouldn't it make Indigo his scummate in your eyes? Also, was he pushing claims last game? More than others I mean.
Ratchet was pushing claims, but on on someone who has 2 votes.


i dont think anyone will find you scummy for voting ratchet right now
why are you scared of Ratchet?
this is weird....
if you think he can be scum just vote for him.
You're saying that, but half the game seems to think I'm scum. In terms of thread positions, yours is clearly superior to mine right now.
stop being scared of him.
votes will move over and over.
don't be like the other Doctor who also fears Ratchet...

Also do not ever believe that he wasnt serious when he asked you to claim
He saw someone new and thought he could bully you into claiming.
good thing that you didnt btw.
Him saying "sumimasen I didnt actually mean it uWu" is BS
You claim and then that is that your info is out.
All right, then i will go with my first instinct and vote for Ratchet anyway

i'm still sus of Phoenix tho

Vote Lynch Ratchet
I don't like him better, i actually like him even less, as in i think it was scum behaviour.

Because as soon as i voted for him, even without tagging, he responded very quickly.

So, it's clear he is an active player that keeps reading the thread, but didn't do anything when i was questioning him on the the straight, even quoting him, he ignored completely on purpose.

I only removed my vote because it's clear to me right now that i'm the only one that has this "sus" feeling against Phoenix, so i have removed my vote for now and i'm following the discussion to see the possible lynch targets that come up in this D1.
I was looking at the thread when you voted me

Its not that serious bro, i resoonded to half your messages anyways
It's pretty scummy.

at least he already said he might've jumped the gun on asking me to claim. So now that he has "recalibrated", he thinks 8 votes are necessary to ask for claims.

i will be honest, i actually would like to go harder and even vote for Ratchet right now. But i am scard of being accused of getting into a wagon and trying to appease you or other players, because that's what he already called me with that Udell vote i did for jokes.
You should not be scared. Being scared of pursuing scummy people is not the way to go as town.


I think someone has the Jabba role and posted that bounty on someone with a day time ability

Jabba could be like an executioner from Town of Salem, that needs to get somebody killed
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