Questions & Mysteries Each Yonko has a vision for the world they want but what is Shanks's vision?

- Big Mom wants a world where everyone sits at her table and is at her height

- Kaido wants a world where violence and strength reigns supreme

- Teach will probably follow Xebec's anarchist rule of piracy

What does Shanks want tho? What kinda world does he envision in his future?

- Big Mom wants a world where everyone sits at her table and is at her height

- Kaido wants a world where violence and strength reigns supreme

- Teach will probably follow Xebec's anarchist rule of piracy

What does Shanks want tho? What kinda world does he envision in his future?

"A world nakamas can play tic tac much as they want! Thats my kind of world"


Zoro Worshipper
A world where people can drink and laugh together. Oh wait that's sounds like Roger's dream.
No wonder he probably shares a similar desire for freedom Luffy does. He is probably living whatever he never accomplished with Luffy's own when witnessing his flabbergasting deeds.
A world where everyone is free and not oppressed by the celestial dragons.

That's why he's rooting for Luffy.

Shanks knows about the drums of Liberation.