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I've answered all of this before. Was hoping it would encourage me being killed off actually.

yall seeing this?
If anything it would encourage people to "protect you" which two players already claimed they did.
You have not answered anything.
There is NO REASON for a town player to ever LIE about being a cop.
worst case scenario the real cop counter claims and also people waste protections on you.
Literally no positive town reasons to LIE
ALl of the reasons are anti town AF>

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
because you do not have him in your town reads.
You have 2 people there.
Udell did absolutely nothing to get a town read and blue/hime are afk AF.
Blue just parroting last phase and he said he has not read anything this phase.
Has no individual reads at all.

That's not what I said

I said I didn't read the last 4 pages.
Just because you can't read them, doesn't mean no one can. Blue was instrumental in pushing the Phoenix lynch through. Not sure what you were doing, sleeping maybe?
no he was not.
Doctor, pero and Melkor were the ones pushing that wagon.
Blue just sheeped you and he said it in the thread.


That's not what I said

I said I didn't read the last 4 pages.

thoughts on this?

Just isolate my last 10 posts or so.

1. Ratchet asking for Doctor to claim when he had 3 voters on him
Ratchet assumed he could easily bully Doc cuz he is fresh meat.
Scum flipped with ability to punish role claimers and I believe the other scum have similar abilities.

2. Ratchet claimed to be cop out of nowhere at least 12 hours before EOD
There was no reason to do this at that time and he did not find other ways of removing people out of his wagon ( he had 5)

3. Ratchet was allowed to live because he would be self resolving
He claimed to be cop and we all stoped pushing him because he would be able to deliver scum for us to lynch or he would get killed himself or blocked.
Nothing happened to him last night and his results are on Juliet who flipped town. He was tunneling doctor and he did not scan him? he wanted to lynch him so much he made him claim and instead he checks Juliet who no one was sussing? The thread wanted info on doctor since many were sussing doctor.

4. Ratchet is a confirmed liar.
Doctor claimed to be a miller this phase and Ratchet claimed that he lied and is not an alignment cop so there would be no millers in this game. Ratchet came to this conclusion because no one counter claimed him when he claimed cop. yep he wasnt a cop, he is an ability cop. He says he claimed cop because he doesnt believe anility + aligment cop can exist in the same game. So basically he told us the truth because he would be able to get doctor lynched for the miller thing or make the aligment cop reveal himself? Another bonus is that he will no longer need to deliver scum for town since he isnt actually an aligment cop.

5. Moved to the 2nd biggest wagon that day Phoenix.
He was not the leader of that push he merely joined it to save himself. He has done this in the past and him lynching a scum mate to save himself is not new.

Ratchet lied about being a cop and risked the real cop counter claiming him.
He gambled on it.
He was a viable lynch candidate so him claiming cop was a win win scenario.
He doesnt get lynched or he exposes real cop.

TAC says we do have an aligment cop because his passives says he investigates not guilty.
updated due to some developments.

Towncore AF

Town Lean
Ripped cal

Scum Lean Tier 1

Scum lean




The End and the Beginning

yall seeing this?
If anything it would encourage people to "protect you" which two players already claimed they did.
You have not answered anything.
There is NO REASON for a town player to ever LIE about being a cop.
worst case scenario the real cop counter claims and also people waste protections on you.
Literally no positive town reasons to LIE
ALl of the reasons are anti town AF>
If the real cop had counter claimed me, then obviously I would have messed up and that's on me. They didn't, and I suspect they don't exist. To be honest, TAC's wincon makes little sense to me and the information he seems to have even less sense.

I am a Cop, too. Just not an alignment one.
I just started to catch up. Early things here:

Why you're asking TAC? Just because he claimed indie or is there something behind it?

Have you signed contract? Can anyone who did it say what happened later? Like everyone got one shot kill? Was target a player or role? Was it specific and failing on other targets?

Still couldn't sit and catch up properly but from night alone and what I learned from notifications.

Indigo looks much much better with Phoenix flipping. I didn't like his conviction on everything after he excaped pushing. Like just because you're not pushed anymore doesn't mean you're confirmed town. But i'm willing to give him benefit of a doubt.

I was hoping Ratchet will provide something to work with this phase. I even protected him just in case but there's still nothing. What doesn't look much on him too is fact that he's claiming spinoff character while everyone so far (other than TAC, claimed indie) is someone from main series (myself included). But then again, Phoenix had fake claim. I'm not willing to postpone his lynch anymore if majority feels like it.

Also, why haven't Phoenix used his anti-claim rolecrush ability on Ratchet since he knew he's dying anyway? It doesn't say it's night ability.

[Active - Grievous] - At your command, you may unleash this droid to cause devastating damage. Grievous may permanently role-crush a player who has claimed their character. [1-shot]

And before someone says that he was afk, check instruction to website everyone got. It says that scummates can submit actions for entire team. Website is down but I don't see why this rule would have changed. Meaning any mafia member could use this ability for him and Ratchet was only target. And they didn't use it. I protected him at night so it's not it.

You know what, Vote Lynch Ratchet.

But I'm still reading.
@Charlie i asked TAC because he claimed a bounty hunter and number of attempted kills during the night was enormous for over 20 players game.

And I believe abilities are night only unless stated otherwise. Mine was not specified, I tried using during the day and host said it is night only
If the real cop had counter claimed me, then obviously I would have messed up and that's on me. They didn't, and I suspect they don't exist. To be honest, TAC's wincon makes little sense to me and the information he seems to have even less sense.

I am a Cop, too. Just not an alignment one.
You cannot just expose the cop and then be like "sumimasen uWu"
We lynch all liars.
Not sure why we are playing games here....
Your LIE literally does nothing to help town
nothing at all.
and there was no reason for it.
You saying your reason was "to get mafia to kill me" is weird AF because you asked for the upgrade so that means you wanted to survive.
town would never let cop die after a claim and I doubt you believe this..
I buy his claim and play :shrug:

Yeah it's a little WIFOM that he's alive with being outed d1 but protection exists. Also seems consistent with what he's saying.
no you are not reading anything.
read this.
dude is scum.

When asked why he Lied about being Cop he said this.

Was hoping it would encourage me being killed off actually.

yall seeing this?
If anything it would encourage people to "protect you" which two players already claimed they did.
You have not answered anything.
There is NO REASON for a town player to ever LIE about being a cop.
worst case scenario the real cop counter claims and also people waste protections on you.
Literally no positive town reasons to LIE
ALl of the reasons are anti town AF>


The End and the Beginning
You cannot just expose the cop and then be like "sumimasen uWu"
We lynch all liars.
Not sure why we are playing games here....
Your LIE literally does nothing to help town
nothing at all.
and there was no reason for it.
You saying your reason was "to get mafia to kill me" is weird AF because you asked for the upgrade so that means you wanted to survive.
town would never let cop die after a claim and I doubt you believe this..
If I had outed the cop then yeah sure. I didn't, though. It does help town, because it forces scum to spend resources taking out a weaker investigative role, and potentially has caught scum fake claiming miller too.
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