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this quickly? you have not even tried reading me yet
I did hence the vote

highly doubt that was the intention behind your question. you stated just few posts ago that you read the day, yet ask me to tell you who i voted. you see where the problem is? i dont think you care who i voted quiet frankly. just asking for sake of it. i gotta question the integrity of it. now you spin it like a reaction test when it clearly was not meant to.

also re: spotlight comment
wouldnt me just telling you the answer serve better if that was my motive?

how would your perception of me change if i just tell you the answer?
it would have gone a lot better if you hadnt got so defensive over a simple question
as I said previously draw whatever conclusion you want to make.
I dont care.
weird the quote did that
but anyway
if we were to think ratchet is scum
where do we go from there is a real valid question. I certainly feel like tac is being honest with his bit of information(alignment invest) so I think ratchet's tinfoil was overextended. Not sure if its something to lynch him over yet tho.


The End and the Beginning
You won't get another
I don't know what I was expecting, but giving up after one thing went against your theory was disappointing. Where is the solving Charles? If you think it's still me, then giving up is the worst thing you can do here. If it's not me, then who is it that led you along this route?
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