Soon. Wano is pretty much finished. So any chapter now he should be coming. Before the next arc begins is my bet.
"Ryoku" as well as meaning green also has a definition specifically in Kabuki. When you perform only the most important and crowd pleasing parts of a work and cut out the light comedy and character building that's a ryoku staging.

So if he's going to appear, he won't appear until the most important part I think
Why is Kaido crying in your AV? He's definetly coming back stronger than ever. :finally: Hopefully. :josad:

I have a theory that he'll consume the respawned Orochi fruit and temporarity possess the powers of 2 DF's. He'll face the 9 shawdows from Toki prophecy for some time with the risk of him eploding and engulfing the whole of Onigashima as a consequence from consuming two DF's before being driving out of the Wano and exploding outside.