Police have arrested a 27-year-old unemployed Tokyo woman named Tomoko Fukushige on Tuesday for allegedly sending threatening email messages to Eiichiro Oda (pictured at right), the creator of the popular One Piece pirate manga. According to the authorities, the woman's husband was dismissed as an assistant from Oda's office, so she reportedly sent about one hundred messages that read "Die, Die" and similar words to Oda's mobile phone from September to December of 2007. Oda reported the incidents to the police before they investigated and made the arrest.
Police have arrested a 27-year-old unemployed Tokyo woman named Tomoko Fukushige on Tuesday for allegedly sending threatening email messages to Eiichiro Oda (pictured at right), the creator of the popular One Piece pirate manga. According to the authorities, the woman's husband was dismissed as an assistant from Oda's office, so she reportedly sent about one hundred messages that read "Die, Die" and similar words to Oda's mobile phone from September to December of 2007. Oda reported the incidents to the police before they investigated and made the arrest.
Jokes aside, I think it could've been an interesting concept, kaido could've adopted hiyori after killing oden, they would've had a relationship similar to thorfinn and askeladd's
Jokes aside, I think it could've been an interesting concept, kaido could've adopted hiyori after killing oden, they would've had a relationship similar to thorfinn and askeladd's
Yeah I also remember the Hiyori was actually adopted by Kaido theories which were especially rampant when we still didn't know who was the traitor in the alliance
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