
We are the pornhub generation, porn globally, there was never more degeneracy like in those times tho:suresure: We have available all those fetishes at a search button, do you want some zoo, furry stuff, insect, deformation, shit, whatever, say no more fam. You wont even need to search for them, you got them in random ads anyway:suresure:Truth be said, those greeks were little kids and amateurs:kuzanshut:
Porn is another thing making this gen more dumber. I'm not against porn but getting addicted to porn is worst. it can really corrupt your mind. and biggest problem is easy accessiblity to porn. drugs and other form addiction are not accessible to everyone.
I have adblock also, but somehow i still got those from time to time:milaugh: some hard codded stuff wont disapear.
Now imagine those young kids when they open literally any site:endthis:
Same, I wonder also why the fuck has mangasee those pornadds, imagine someone underage going there searching for a serie and they are bombarded by these adds, doesn't matter if you press x it still directs you there anyway
I will never understand why people care so much about other people's sex lives

who gives a fuck if it's man on man, woman on woman, or whatever non-binary on non-binary it is

as long as it's consensual, it's not hurting anybody

if you don't like and think it's wrong, just don't do it yourself you stupid fuck :suresure:
Yeah as long as they don't try to shove it down my throat it shouldn't matter, you do you
Wow why do teens get prescribed beta blockers? Isn't that for heart conditions?

Kaido, is that you!?
I used to get migraines almost daily and had a resting heartrate of about 110... We used to do this music therapy stuff in mental hospital where you listen to Mozart for an hour and it's meant to drop your heartrate to around 60 but I'd still be high 80's


I think this thinking is a relic from back when reproduction was necessary to ensure the species' survival.
Well this thinking went extinct.

It was with us till we were fighting to be at the top of food chain. and now we are at top of food chain and got out of it. now our goal is civilisation and we can't even do that correct. we Long lost that thinking