What's so good about being mature? I find it pretty ridiclous that everyone wants to mature, maturity i define it as the amount of misery you have swallowed so far and there's absolutely nothing good about a kid lossing his innocence at a young age.
being mature sorta prejudices your mind to think pretty singularly. I could be wrong by a lot of margins but that's what I have observed from the adults around me. also I woul rather forgive a innocent person than a mature person if either of them ever commits a mistake.
Nowadays being mature just has became a part of this so called "woke culture"
Well this escalated quickly lol. I meant mature as in not being narcissistic/spoiled/tantrum throwing/selfish/irresponsible/deliberately lazy etc type people.
I'm not that mature either despite my age too. But I've met and dealt with MUCH worse people who are mostly older than me by far and they are INSUFFERABLE. It's not an exaggeration when I say they've caused me and decent people years of agony, frustration, stress, depression and such.
I don't get this argument otherwise anyway. Only children might be truly innocent imo and a lot of them can actually be cruel, and even evil and as bad as adults easily.
Seems like we've enter yet another great debate era on here right now.

Mature people are also who put others before themselves, who provide for others, who take on massive burdens, responsibilities and thus make huge sacrifice. I deeply respect mature people.
Police have literally saved my life from death and helped me NUMEROUS times vs a narcissistic psychopathic neighbour who had been gradually getting more violent and aggressive lately. Plus his mental children too.
Firefighters helped us out before too. Paramedics, doctors, nurses etc literally saved my finger from being lost permanently, my grandparents from literal death and so on.
People like that make this world far better.
I dont think you understood what I meant about mature. You're paying too much attention to this insane politics in the world especially the west and USA.
I'm talking about growing up and becoming an adult naturally as humans are meant to eventually.
I was forced to be premature in different reasons since I was a child so believed I know the godamn reasons for childhoods being ruined and innocence lost firsthand that I will not divulge about on here for obvious reasons.
Other people stole my innocence as a child, particularly a certain gender of them. That's all I'm saying. They enjoyed it too, they got a savage sadistic pleasure from it.
Idk what spurred you to say all that from what I said but I've said my peace in response too.
Im not even indulge the woke culture comment as I'm so fucking sick of people on both sides fighting over it. If I ever hear about it again, it will always be too soon.