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LegendMac is one of the worst for this too. I remember the extremely clickbait titles and hundreds of ads on his videos.

Now Ohara, Grandline Review and Morj do the same thing and make massive bank off it, especially GLR and Ohara.

At least Morj is more restrained than those two though at least, a little less obnoxious and doesn't spam videos with also awful, overedited, cringy, clickbait thumbnails too.

I heard a rumour that Ohara (Not Artur/Library of Ohara) steals theories from the Japanese community of OP and even Yuderon and passes them off as his own after translating them.

This could be just anti Ohara slander ofc and thus fake news but I wouldn't be surprised either. Theory stealing has been rampant in the OP community for years especially on YouTube.

GLR is so much worse lately and his new smug, self fellating, cringy, weird channel doesn't help.

It's so bad lately even the main and meme subreddits are openly making fun of and complaining about OP youtubers now!
Ohara mentions the original theorists like Yuderon every single time.

Of course Ohara and GLR changed their approach to a much more "clickbait-hype-approach", but I would do exactly the same.

They do this for a living and make way more money this way.

Who cares about us forum critics.

I would say "fuck them" and be a click bait whore all the way, too, if that means I hit the jackpot bc most fans seem to love that bs approach.
Funny how Lava doesn't even make it a cold bath for DB characters lol
Lightning is much hotter than lava.
More than 20 times hotter in fact.
Magma is only 1,400°C at best while lightning is around 30,000°C (about 5 times hotter than the surface of the Sun).
But it's not like either of those could damage strong characters since we literally see a crazy amount of people tank Enel's lightnings and we also see one of Whitebeard's commanders (Curiel) lying down in Akainu's lava in Chapter 579 despite it being so hot that it is capable to instantly vaporize swords from a meter away.

So if Kaido is killed or damaged by "magma" there better be a good explanation.
If it's the core of the planet then I guess it's fine because it would be different enough to be acceptable.
@MarineHQ62 quote fail
Ngl I wouldn't mind getting money like that, I am too dumb to make it on youtube tho
Hence why youtubers all endorse shit, it's easy money.. I do get it but it's just like wot?? Some youtubers do it right tho, they'll tell you they have a paid promotions and give you a timestamp to skip to if you don't wanna listen to the same scripted bullshit about coupons or vpns or whatever the fuck it is

Gorosei Informer

There was one YouTuber who actually credited me in his video. One lol. Though I think he no longer makes videos now, but he was a nice guy.
Damn, at least he was a decent one then. Even that can make a difference.

I used to like certain small OP youtube theorists, including our own Monkey Theorist on here.

- Kaido and Big Mom die in lava
- BM pirates have been killed by the Blackbeard pirates
- Blackbeard stole Wano's Road Poneglyphs (this was his last one, he got the other ones already)
- Catherina Devon captures Robin (Blackbeard wants Robin to read the Road Poneglyphs)
- Chapter ends with the Blackbeard pirates sailing away from Wano with Robin on board
Aw man that sucks. I can imagine it's especially worse when people actually claim credit for them too ofc.

Black Leg Vinsmoke openly stole theories and posted them on YouTube. When people called them out, the video would "vanish suddenly" too.
That is what the most big youtuber did, only few OP youtuber actually give credit to other theories by sharing them.
As example Cinera theory was also shared in youtube and they mentioned him.
Giving respect is most important thing.
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