I hope you are right...

Because the schedule apparently is:

MitB = Reigns vs Riddle.

Summerslam = Reigns vs Orton.

Clash at the Castle ( formerly Night of Champions ) = Reigns vs McIntyre.

What would be perfect is for Cody to win the MitB contract and he would not cash in surprisingly so it doesn't feel like he caught Reigns off guard.

I would book it as Cena did it in 2012/13 can't recall, when he used his contract to organize a match on the 1000th episode of Raw.

Cody would do the same but with the Main Event of Summerslam.

Sounds fun?
There is also the fact that the Saudi shows are built up as huge ekstravaganzas so Cody could very well announce his cash in for Crown Jewel.
What hinders this is that they would probably want the big Cody win to be at a US show.

But Cody is the ender of racism so he will insist on doing it in Saudi just to spite smarks and dirtsheets:finally:
My whole family except me go on shooting range due to my anxiety and with that being oversensitive for sound what I hate, and for that there is only old guns appreciation for me. :josad:

19th centry flintlock swivel deck gun cuz it's really nice
Omg are you guys training for battle?