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Formerly Seth

I have always seen you are more active during pre spoilers than post spoilers
It's more fun.

I will read the spoilers and then what?

There is only as much content as you can laugh at.

I reduced my attention to One Piece anyway but visiting this place pre spoilers to witness meltdown of kiddos begging Redon for his droplets is perfect.
Not if Red Hairs, Marines/WG be part of it too

I doubt Oda is gonna expand his zoans into other mythologies too much, just some populae picks you expect, nothing too crazy. The only one less popular of a pick I found is Yamato's. Or stick to japanese myths entirely.
There's that one fox demon guy too. He's also mythical Zoan if I remember correctly.

As for Elbaf, my expectation is very low honestly. It's going to be a Zou 2.0 at best tbh. And that's my highest expectation for it.
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