Did Luffy Beat Kaido Fairly?

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I told you already pals when the move is called Bajrang Gun, its over. Instead of searching about Bajrang, you preferred to get more deluded from your headcannon and are coping even more. The fight is over. The Marines, BBP, RHP, CDs and WG are next in line to be dealth with. :cheers:


When were you under the impression this game is..
What did I said that is inconsistent and blanket statement?

I am always calling out Luffyturds like @Adamxero and @SkySanji for throwing blanket statements because everything I say I back up with logic
You went from Kaido gets low diffed by mihawk to Kaido strongest to Zoro high diffs Akainu cause he cut that magma to now Mihawk and Akainu are peers ( even though you made that Zoro statement) and they destroy Kaido.

There is no consistency with you, well I guess your only real constant is wanking Zoro/Mihawk whenever you can even if it sometimes doesnt make sense.

Gorosei Informer

I’m going with the schichibukai. That was the only major change in the world at the time that he decided to move on
Yeah that would be a pretty smart bet I think. I've definitely suspected he will want to try to get Weevil at least. I have wondered if Crocodile will end up working with him somehow too.
If Devon gets near Boa, shes gonna hunt Boa like her life depends on it too lol.

4. He's going to get some magma from a nearby active volcano.
Cause clearly magma is the only thing capable of killing top tiers in op.
LMAO! Why do I hear a certain hot headed fleet admiral laughing his ass off right now? Even stuck behind a desk as FA, he's helping to take down 2 Yonko indirectly on another island altogether!


Funnily enough, I feel what Zephyr was trying to do with those volcanoes and thus "end points" of the world from Film Z or w/e is a subtle nod to the potential of Akainu's DF too!


The three Endpoints refer to three islands in the New World which seals a huge amount of subterranean magma. Should all three islands be destroyed, the seal will be undone, releasing enough magma to wash the entire world in molten rocks and the lives within.[1]


Huh...these actually returned for World Seeker too?



When were you under the impression this game is..
Dude a weird ass example
If a truck rammed into my my bones will crush, my organs will crush, by skin can split open, I would be drenched in blood.

All Luffy has done is break one fucking horn, NOT EVEN HIS TEETH BROKEN

You guys make these wild ass statements like its true. Kaido has barely lost more blood than he lost from Tatsumaki.

What truck would do to me is more damage than what Hakai did to Zoro. You think Luffy did that to kaido?
Not really a weird ass example, this is a shounen so Oda wont show Kaido puking blood 24/7, but an attack like Bahjrang that even with heavy resistance from Kaido sent him through the earth and into Magma is surely doing a lot of damage. You denying that is fucking nuts.
So Kaido really is defeated??? And we don't even get a proper flashback for him? :kaidowhat:

But we get a Toko and Yasuie flashback, are you fucking kidding me??? :nicagesmile:

Man fuck this arc, if this is how Kaido and the arcs ends then its truly trash! Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, Zou- 3 arcs of setup, hundreds of chapters and like a decade of built up and setup and this is all we get???

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