Did Luffy Beat Kaido Fairly?

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Weird chapter.....somehow this was way less epic than Luffy vs dofla .....
I was against ZKK since the beggining....but....i must say this chapter only makes me feel its gonna happen....kaido down? I dont believe it....he s trying to kill himself for ages and now a volcano is enough? Like he wouldnt have thought about it.....
My prediction: kaido is not down, and Zoro will give the final blow....its been a while since the man was showned with that reaper, time to reveal that the reaper is the sword personification and that Zoro just got a power up passing the sword death test....
Robin will be abducted by world government and Big Mom....nobody cares
Oh lord my man you are about to get swarmed :josad:
Yamato's future path lies in this chapter or the next few. Nakamabro will be facing roller coaster of emotions soon.

If she is shown with the male SH, she'll sleep in their quarter.
If she is shown with the female SH, she'll sleep in their quarter.
Oda in december 2021 : Damn I didn't think Wano would go on for that long I thought it'd end in 2021

Fans in MAY 2022 : kAiDo iS aWakEnInG aNd gEtTinG bAcK uP wAnO wIlL eNd iN fIFTy cHaPtERs"
Oda also said that Dressrosa was 70% of the story and that OP had 10 years left. Besides that, after Wano we're basically in the final saga at that point. The only things left are Elbaf, Lodestar, Laugh Tale, and the final war. I feel like it makes more sense if we get the Rocks flashback in Wano when Kaido awakens. It requires less set up chapters now than if we did it at a later point in the story while giving us a reason to stay invested in the Kaido fight when he does awaken. Not to mention explaining Kaido's and Yamato's origins.
We also have Enma turning black plot thread in chapter 955 which doesn't make sense if Zoro does it in a later arc when Enma is literally Oden's sword and the one that scarred Kaido.

Again, alot of fans are complaining about the length. Not me in particular, so I understand why they want Wano to end now, but it makes more sense to keep going a little longer. I still think Orochi is not out yet and alot of fans also didn't believe Orochi is defeated yet either.

This chapter wouldn't be recieved this badly if Oda had not declared it won't be a punch that defeats Kaidou. Maybe Kaidou will return, or it is Magma that KOs him.​
I interpreted Oda's statement was literal. I think Kaidou is still getting back up. Oda also used the exact same description of the nika nika fruit as the most ridiculous power which is how Oda worded it for Luffy's gum gum abilities to be the most ridiculous power over a decade ago.
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