This is pathetic. You're so butt hurt by the fact Luffy couldn't do jack shit against Kuma and had to be saved by Zoro you had call out all your anti-ZKK boys to come help you out.
It's a simple question did Kuma succeed in capturing Luffy? The answer is no. He failed because of Zoro.
De·feat (dĭ-fēt′)
tr.v. de·feat·ed, de·feat·ing, de·feats
1. To do better than (another) in a competition or battle; win victory over; beat: "Whether we defeat the enemy in one battle, or by degrees, the consequences will be the same" (Thomas Paine).
2. To prevent the success of; thwart: Internal strife defeats the purpose of teamwork.
3. Law
a. To frustrate the enforcement of (a motion, for example).
b. To make (an estate, for example) void; annul.
a. To dishearten or dispirit: The last setback defeated her, and she gave up.
b. To be beyond the comprehension of; mystify: How the children found their way back home defeats me.
Stay mad because Zoro figured out a way to defeat his opponent about needed to beat him in a physical battle.
It's a simple question did Kuma succeed in capturing Luffy? The answer is no. He failed because of Zoro.

De·feat (dĭ-fēt′)
tr.v. de·feat·ed, de·feat·ing, de·feats
1. To do better than (another) in a competition or battle; win victory over; beat: "Whether we defeat the enemy in one battle, or by degrees, the consequences will be the same" (Thomas Paine).
2. To prevent the success of; thwart: Internal strife defeats the purpose of teamwork.
3. Law
a. To frustrate the enforcement of (a motion, for example).
b. To make (an estate, for example) void; annul.
a. To dishearten or dispirit: The last setback defeated her, and she gave up.
b. To be beyond the comprehension of; mystify: How the children found their way back home defeats me.
Stay mad because Zoro figured out a way to defeat his opponent about needed to beat him in a physical battle.