Title: Untold Love
  • Chapter starts a few minutes before the vulcanic eruption, with Kaido and Big Mom in the lava
  • Big Mom is unconscious, Kaido is barely awake
  • Kaido tries to reach Big Mom
  • Kaido starts to think about their time together and how he always loved her and wants to expres his feeling before they die
  • In an awesome double page spread Kaido grabs Big Moms hand and pulls her towards himself and kisses her
  • Big Mom wakes up and looks at Kaido with lovely eyes
  • At the end of the chapter the eruption happens and Big Mom and Kaido die in each others embrace, with both thinking they should have told their love to each other earlier
Editor's note: The love story we didn't know we wanted!

Title: Untold Love
  • Chapter starts a few minutes before the vulcanic eruption, with Kaido and Big Mom in the lava
  • Big Mom is unconscious, Kaido is barely awake
  • Kaido tries to reach Big Mom
  • Kaido starts to think about their time together and how he always loved her and wants to expres his feeling before they die
  • In an awesome double page spread Kaido grabs Big Moms hand and pulls her towards himself and kisses her
  • Big Mom wakes up and looks at Kaido with lovely eyes
  • At the end of the chapter the eruption happens and Big Mom and Kaido die in each others embrace, with both thinking they should have told their love to each other earlier
Editor's note: The love story we didn't know we wanted!
Title: Untold Love
  • Chapter starts a few minutes before the vulcanic eruption, with Kaido and Big Mom in the lava
  • Big Mom is unconscious, Kaido is barely awake
  • Kaido tries to reach Big Mom
  • Kaido starts to think about their time together and how he always loved her and wants to expres his feeling before they die
  • In an awesome double page spread Kaido grabs Big Moms hand and pulls her towards himself and kisses her
  • Big Mom wakes up and looks at Kaido with lovely eyes
  • At the end of the chapter the eruption happens and Big Mom and Kaido die in each others embrace, with both thinking they should have told their love to each other earlier
Editor's note: The love story we didn't know we wanted!

Shit chapter


waiting for Marvel Rivals
Title: Untold Love
  • Chapter starts a few minutes before the vulcanic eruption, with Kaido and Big Mom in the lava
  • Big Mom is unconscious, Kaido is barely awake
  • Kaido tries to reach Big Mom
  • Kaido starts to think about their time together and how he always loved her and wants to expres his feeling before they die
  • In an awesome double page spread Kaido grabs Big Moms hand and pulls her towards himself and kisses her
  • Big Mom wakes up and looks at Kaido with lovely eyes
  • At the end of the chapter the eruption happens and Big Mom and Kaido die in each others embrace, with both thinking they should have told their love to each other earlier
Editor's note: The love story we didn't know we wanted!

replace kaido with urouge and this is real