Everyone in Wano: "We love ODEN sama!!!!"

Franky: "I gave him a big "fuck you" as a kid"

Franky = chad
Honestly just for this Franky gets a huge prop.
Just because he doesnt get major plot on him .People underestimate his chadness.He proved them in fight with Senor Pink.

If you look closely Franky face pre TS resembles that giga chad guy face.Cant be coincidence @Cross_Marian .

Franky ,Jinbei>>>>>>>everyone.
The most underrated guys in story.
Jinbei blocked so many attacks of Akainu which other didnt do.Plus his attack on BM in WCI and then his honour.
Along with Franky quirk,battlesuit,robot,wacky plus chad.
They are the true GOAT