Get that some of y'all are excited about the prospect of Yamato joining with this chapter and prolly already think it's a done deal but as with errting this arc, temper your expectations or are u're gonna end up with egg on ur face. Can already see people shouting "Oda's lost the plot" if tings don't go their way in the next few chapters.
Yamato being so adamant about joining the SHs is goofy asf. It's like Oda's literally going out of his way to convince you that she will join the SHs which is not really the way he usually writes, so I'd view that with a grain of salt if I were you. Moreover, her coming to tell the SHs here that she will join might seem like a done deal but the reality is that it doesn't mean anything with Luffy not being present. Why did Oda leave Luffy out of this scene? but anyways I digress...