Questions & Mysteries Zoro blocking Hakai was pointless

Like what was the point to block it when law teleported everyone.
Just Oda's way of getting Zoro off the roof when he no longer wanted the narrative that is "Supernova, New generation va Old Generation" on the rooftop in preparation for Luffy's 1vs1

Makes no sense that Law wasn't able to react immediately, look how quickly he teleported the scabbards before Kaido's strike in chapter 1000
Zoro took Hakai so he would have to take the Mink medicine for some reason.

Chances are, the reason is that so Zoro can be limited in the next arc to prove how "tough" Onigashima was on the crew. Everyone else will be fine but Oda likes making Zoro the guinea pig for severe injuries so he'll be the one to suffer. He'll be 100% the arc after though, so there's that.


Law was scared to death so he couldn't react. And all supernova were the same.

Only Zoro had balls to move. And unlike others that wanted to run he face it. That includes his captain that has FS and didn't moved an inch.

Zoro blocking hakai is why everybody is alive until now.