Break Week Yamato joining is a win-win for Sanji fans

sanji and zoro have time limit for AP right now. Yamato can use her coc coating attacks without limitation.

How can zoro be stronger than yamato ? Apparantly , you bet everything on one shot thing. However , well known information said that advanced coc attack can be prevented advanced coc defense.

Zoros advanced coc is low cuz of that he had to wait kings defendless mode. Also , still he had to dodge kings attack . Luffy directly can get kaidos advanced coc attack without dodge.

Please , just try to think. it is not to hard.
It's even funnier when they switch the speech and say Gaban = Nami because "muh original trio navigator", depending on what's convenient.
Bro, Gaban is literally Nami.
1. Both being navigator
2. Main characters in Roger Pirates were Roger, Rayleigh and Gaban. And main character of One Piece by Oda's own words are Luffy, Zoro, and Nami.
3. Gaban wields axe and this is Nami's original design.
Yes, If Yamato is going to face opponents she can "wash" she is incapable of progressing power wise. If Zoro fought Page one in Wano he would not progress power wise would he?. You're argument is that Yamato will keep up with Sanjis progression, which has been shown to be significant, while not fighting anyone that would even push her to becoming more powerful. Unless you actually think Yamato is THAT much more powerful than Sanji to where she doesn't even need to get stronger to stay ahead of Sanji at the end of next arc who will be significantly stronger than he is now.

Yes, the hierarchy. I have no idea what the you're even referring to; a bunch of nebulous references to Zoro beating people who you assume Sanji couldn't defeat, while also ignoring the moments of explicit representation. Surely Zoro and Sanji fighting opponents of the same caliber in major arcs (where both are participating in fights) who push them to get stronger is clearer evidence than Zoro defeating someone who doesn't even push him to gain a power up.

Was Zoro not being bested by King until he gained CoCcoating?......did you skip past 90 percent of the fight?. Yamato clashed her Coc against a hybrid Kaido 1v1, Zoro defeating King with it is not as impressive; if we use your line of argumentation of course.
Zoro fought relative bums until Killer, still beat a guy at least as tough as Katakuri without running or accepting help. It's weird that as soon as you remind people that Sanji is a cook who fights (as in... best in the world at one and just "really good" with the other) they have to bring up Zoro and try bringing him down there, when he's an actual fighter. It leads to talking about how they grow from fights like each other when Zoro's purpose is getting stronger not only in fights but between them by putting in the training.

So Zoro's opponents have to... be the same? Ok they often have a similar dynamic but it's not about not seeing if Sanji can beat them as much as it is realizing he doesn't have an answer. What the hell would he do to Ohm, or Daz, or Kaku? He fought Vergo who's maybe ahead of Pica aside from lacking a DF, and literally got cracked where Zoro didn't get hit. Yamato likewise doesn't have to lose to anyone who say, pulls a gun on Sanji or smack him out of the sky.

But anyway you say stuff like how Zoro was losing until he won, lol. And somehow Yamato stalling, slowly losing to the point of being tagged out counts more. Counts more than scarring Kaido before he even accessed CoC. Sanji not even seeing the guy, getting crossed up by Gifters, getting jealous if Jinbe and getting crushed by Queen is all just more stuff to ignore I guess


Talent is something you make bloom.
Bro, Gaban is literally Nami.
1. Both being navigator
2. Main characters in Roger Pirates were Roger, Rayleigh and Gaban. And main character of One Piece by Oda's own words are Luffy, Zoro, and Nami.
3. Gaban wields axe and this is Nami's original design.
single greataxe is kinda different from 2 handaxes.
If you can't even see something like that, sry.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Which is closer to 2 handed axes? Single greataxe or daddy's power?
If you can't even see something like that, sry.
You're right man.
Roger is Zoro's parallel on the Roger Pirates because they both have a named sword.
Rayleigh is clearly parallel to Brook. The inferior swordsman.
I see it now.
Sanji fans have started coping:milaugh:. If Sanji was the one who got adcoc and held up hybrid Kaido, while Yamato was the one who defeated Queen, nobody would be claiming that Yamato > Sanji.

Yamato is the Oden of SHP while Sanji is Gaban. They are not on the same level in power and portrayal
Right now Sanji's feats fighting Queen don't even compare to Yamato's feats fighting Kaido simple as that.. Until Sanji gets a top tier fight he's getting trolled again..:kriwhat::kayneshrug:

Plus Yamato parallels Oden on the Strawhat crew..

- Forcing herself on the crew
- Being trapped all her life on Wano and wanting to go on adventures at sea
- Knowing Roger and Luffy's true dream
- Oden invited by Roger, Yamato invited by Ace
- Both were to become the Shogun of Wano and refused or were not interested
- They both parallel to Ace as well
OT : logic tell me Sanji is above Yamato because YES will never break his M3. And she did nothing except being in défensive mode due to her DF.

Feats tell me Yamato. I mean there is not a single time where Sanji looked capable to hold a serious top tier.
Vergo, Doffy weren't even top tier but he struggled a lot. Now to imagine Sanji holding Kaido is like a dream for me. Even tho he is capable because he is yc2 lvl, yamato showed it when sanji didn't so I guess it's normal for people to put her above sanji.
OT : logic tell me Sanji is above Yamato because YES will never break his M3. And she did nothing except being in défensive mode due to her DF.

Feats tell me Yamato. I mean there is not a single time where Sanji looked capable to hold a serious top tier.
Vergo, Doffy weren't even top tier but he struggled a lot. Now to imagine Sanji holding Kaido is like a dream for me. Even tho he is capable because he is yc2 lvl, yamato showed it when sanji didn't so I guess it's normal for people to put her above sanji.
Tbh exo Sanji is looking pretty hax, Bleach character level. His bones were broken but suddenly they regenerated fast like Arrancar. Then when Queen swings the blade to him and the blade instantly broke. Sure Queen isn't a proper swordsman, but still he has good raw physical strength.

Pre exo, no doubt Sanji was below Jinbe / Yamao. But right now it is debatable.
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Sanji really jumped from being Veteran level into YC1- level with daddy gene.
You're assuming? I thought I was pretty clear in saying Yamato could wash #4 and Sanji could edge out #3. I'm sure the same for Jinbe going forward, even out of his element.

No, the "rank" doesn't matter. Mohji is ranked higher than Kabaji. Magellan is now vice warden. Luffy could eat a punch from Sengoku when Akainu could murder him with one hit.

What matters is what we see. Yamato trades with Kaido even at a disadvantage, without knowing how to mutate Sanji gets low diffed by someone like Queen.

People who go by numbers, like who joined first, are blind. Oda made fun of it at the Sabaody reunion and you probably didn't notice.

Shanks broken off by Sea King.

Whitebeard stabbed by Squard.

Kaido stabbed by Kinemon.

Big Mom scraped by a floor.

But you make fun of Zoro for a fight where the opponent was getting executed for his failure.
Mohji and cabji are equals in rank and power


Read this article on why Yamato is indeed a woman and not trans
When it comes to the female Delinquent its a very classic trope to make her a Boku Girl - a girl that talks TOUGH and like a BOY...of course as I said for 2 years now, explaning the whole, now Yamato is not using male pronoun she talks like a tough street gangster girl.
Yes, I am sorry but I found it somewhat funny when people where like KAIDO RESPECT GENDER or something WHAT?


Kaido is written as the classic traditional father, this is a common trope in Japanese (and east asia I would say in general) of the whole concept of ONLY THE SON can take over. And then does not wanna have a daughters, its not about that he is happy his daughter calls herself a man becasue he respects her pronoun (even do Japanese language dont even really have that) its because shes like GOOD only a SON can take over Shogun title anyway.
From myrmondon
Lol headcannon is next level, u can't put a person above someone when they hasn't had time to show Case there strenght, In fact because oda hadn't shown no power feats for gaban it better fa him because oda can pit him league above anyone he please with, plus sanji feats is way better than yamato even his portrayal , unless I'm missing something lol the only thing yamato did that was impressive was stall a already weaken daddy who was clearly playing with her, lol
Dude said sanji s feats and portaryal are better than yamatos:milaugh:
Dude yamato fought hybrid kaido with acoc
The guy lanji beat got his ass 2 shoted by meme with no haki no homies and amnesia
Dude said sanji s feats and portaryal are better than yamatos:milaugh:
Dude yamato fought hybrid kaido with acoc
The guy lanji beat got his ass 2 shoted by meme with no haki no homies and amnesia
Although Hakai does not contain any haki, please write hakai is trash. But as in this comment, you use what works for you. If stupidity was done with money, you would pay a lot of tax.