Oh look a comment by a idiotic user, so you're telling me that you read and watched this series all the way to the Wano arc and you still don't understand Sanji's character?
Even some people who dislike Sanji can at least understand why Sanji isn't able to hurt a women no matter what, if you think Sanji would suddenly hurt a women then you either haven't been reading or watching this series clearly or you are just plain dumb.
Also there is nothing wrong with Sanji calling for Robin's help, he was put in a situation where he had no other choice and Sanji knew that Robin wouldn't fall for Black Maria's trap so easily.
I'm pretty sure if you were put in a dangerous life or death situation or if someone who was threatening to kill you, you would also be crying out like a little bitch.
Sometimes making fun of Sanji is fine but there is a difference between making fun of Sanji, and just posting really dumb comments like yourself and the only one that is pathetic is you.
And if you think I'm being too defense, I've sometimes made fun of Sanji before and I personally never liked the whole Sanji and Black Maria situation but at least I can understand the situation Sanji is in.