true but the OP has a point.. Z V K was choreographed well.. everything made sense an in all possible moves zoro could executes and choose to execute in the right time etc.
sanji vs Queen was like
queen : *shit ahaha he doesn't know I'm actually getting damaged*
Oda : lets makes the reader brainstorm possibilities to why i had sanji say that there must be a better way to break Queen's durability when he hasn’t even amped his DJ yet.....
also oda : lets drag this fight out for several chapters with no dynamic fighting just singular panels of him and Queen and then have them play hit for a hit and
- not use sky walk to snaji's advantage in speed and increase the choreographic potential
---------Latter end of the fight ---------
Sanji : Ik you get damage
Queen : how did you PU after i squeezed the shit out of you
Sanji: No shit sherlock here's bEuOfF BURSt
Osome : aye.. you seen my mouse?