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I have never gotten into Star Wars but a couple of my friends are huge fans and I heard many rants about the last couple of movies lol
I am a Star Wars fan and I hated the Last Jedi and did not even bothered to go watch Rise of Skywalker. Just learning about the title was enough to make me cringe and my friends and classmates who watched told me that it was horrible
I would have preferred for SW to not have been bought by Disney.
I am a Star Wars fan and I hated the Last Jedi and did not even bothered to go watch Rise of Skywalker. Just learning about the title was enough to make me cringe and my friends and classmates who watched told me that it was horrible
I would have preferred for SW to not have been bought by Disney.
Last jedi wasn't a star wars movie, it was one Rian Jhonson movie with the Star Wars title.
I saw yesterday Rise of the Skywalker, and it's fun to see...Not perfect, but fun ...I can recommend you to watch it xD
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