What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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Shiryu was marine officer, and no one gave a shit if he left.
It's the admirals that are the strongest WG force, not shiryu's fodder ass
Lol troll.

Panels for Base Ladmirals without DF being equal to Magellan?

As I said anyone who isn't a troll can see:

Base Shiryu > Base Ladmiral
DF Awakened Shiryu > Ladmiral

Maybe you are illiterate but Aokiji and Blackbeard are allies

if anything Aokiji = Blackbeard & his crew
Maybe you are a shameless troll who can't understand English?

Gorosei confirmed Aokiji dedicated his power to assisting BB, they are not partners you troll lmao
Den Den Mushi: CP0! CP0!
CP0 agent: an interference!
Den Den Mushi: Hey! You guys!
CP0 Agent: who are you..name yourself!
Den Den Mushi: Stay where you are! I’ll be..on my way!

Already a GOAT, casually butts in their conversation :finally::finally:

Man just intercepted the fking Gorosei :suresure:

While doing whatever the frick this is

That's called a Flower Pack. It's like a Jet Pack, just it's a Flower.
EoS Zoro >~ Ryuuma at the very least.

Also, do you think Luffy can fully access and use full potential of his Joyboy form anytime casually? It'll take some arcs to master lol. Just like you can't expect Zoro to spam En-Ou like it's just another Oni giri.
That’s different. Luffys power is gear 5. It’ll be just like any other gear. So yeah he likely can freely use it.

Gorosei Informer

@Shiroyru @Swallalala @Tejas @SkySanji

Ryokugyu is giving the Goverment agents orders and they do what he says like good slaves lmao. The pecking order is clear. Admirals treat CP0 like their bitches
After how completely disappointing and disgraceful CP0 has been this arc, I don't even blame the Admirals. WG are a fucking joke. Why is Sword even needed then? Whats stopping the Marines from annihilating the WG in a coup? Why even fucking serve them?

Oda had to bring almost all of CP9 so far just to try and save face for Squad Zero/0 Espada I mean CP0 Accomplishments.

I much rather the Marines be the endgame villains after all. Akainu is far better than Imu anyday and everyday too.
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