We're about to find out next chapter so just for fun here's my bounty prediction.
Luffy 3.5 - 4B seems appropriate since it's close to shanks but could be higher since Oda usually make Luffy surpass the bounty of his enemy.
Zoro 1.4 - 1.5B surpassing King 1.39B
Sanji 1.3 - 1.4B might equal or surpass Queen's bounty
Kid and Law 2 - 2.5B
now as for the rest of the SH will likely get the same increase amount of bounty similar to Dressrosa half of the SH is not involved but still got an increase of 50M in Wano will probably increase to 400m most of them surpassing F6 bounty.
Jinbe 438M -> 838M
Usopp 200M -> 600M
Robin 130M -> 530M
Franky 94M -> 494M
Brook 83M -> 483M
Nami 66M -> 466M
as for Chopper if Oda wants to keep the gag probably 1K to 1M but Drake did saw Chopper Monster Point and we also have CP0 so maybe finally a real bounty 100 - 150M.
Yamato 550M if she gets one same bounty as Ace.