What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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Now, we are seeing the consequences of adding the rookies at the end of part 1, and the seeds of the TS being disappointed were already planted right before our eyes. First, Oda admitted that they were never meant to be introduced in the first place or Law being that central to the story. For instance, the Blackbeard Pirates are teased through out the Crocodile saga, and Ace wanting revenge. We meet Teach him but he is never formally introduced but everything is implied that he is Luffy's opposite and nemesis. Its only during the Gorosei meeting that our MC's admirable adversary was Blackbeard all along what a reveal !

In contrast, the Supernovas literally pop out of nowhere in Sabondy. There is no set up, foreshadowing, and teasing which is very uncharacteristic of Oda. I was young and dumb back then but even I pondered how Oda was gonna handle the rookies with their crew + the 9 main characters + your favorite supporting cast (Smoker and Tashigi for me). As you said they look more like action figures meant to appeal to the lowest common denominators instead of being real characters. In the end, Oda had way too much to juggle with which produces unsatisfying characters arcs, bad pace, and mysteries left unresolved. Zoro fans are voicing their discontent about all the teasing that lead to nothing as you said. Nami and Usopp did nothing of real substance. Characters like Tashigi who could have brought something interesting to Marimo's development are left to rot in the closet or spin offs where they get more love.

I think I am not the only who feels the ending of Wano was rushed. I wonder if the magazine is pulling the plug on the series because sales are decreasing every year and people are losing interest.

On the positive, Oda is in a much better position than Kishimoto to produce a satisfying ending because:

- Most of the Admirals are still kicking and doing well.
- A lot of the villains are still present.
- Interesting backstories are still unresolved.
- There is no stupid plot about chasing Zoro and bringing him back to the crew.
- I am actually excited for the eventual confrontation between Luffy and Akainu
- Zoro vs Fujitora can be a marvel to watch. Sanji vs Kizaru could be entertaining.
- Zoro vs Mihawk is possibly my most anticipated fight and moment in entertainment
- Hopefully, Luffy and Smoker (alongside Tashigi, and the good marines) will team up against the Blackbeard pirates as a repeat of the Rocks pirate incident which will make me forgive Oda for not putting the Marine duo in Wano.
- I am curious what will be Luffy's final fate, and what One Piece is.

However, its important to tamper our expectations because Oda is older, and has been working an unhealthy amount of time. As Whitebeard said no one can be at the top eternally but hopefully he can deliver one last moment of greatness.
All great, but Lanjino is fighting GB, not Kizaru.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Call me Barqbeard, the Shaggy
The ZKK game only applies to Wano, outside of it is pointless so now or never. :goyea:
I'll be even more specific: it has to happen over the Flower Capital. Luffy, the Dawn, defeated Kaido by punching him down from Onigashima at night. Zoro, the Moon, will defeat Kaido by rising over the Flower Capital. The writing is all there.

Once you analyze this story on a fundamental level, there's too much symbolism there to ignore. If Oda spent all this time focusing on Zoro inheriting Oden's Will through Enma/Hiyori, and Zoro doesn't use Enma to defeat Kaido, what in the fuck was the point of giving Zoro Enma in the first place?
With Yamato not as farfetched but how about Kiku not being with Kinemon/Kawamatsu at the shrine where Izo is buried? They just met each other after 20 years and no reaction or present to be at the shrine at all, coulf have just drawn one more character to where Kinemon/Kawamatsu are present
I noticed that, its so fucking weird that they asked permission to Marco instead of Izo's fucking brother, and we dont even see Kiku's reaction.....the fuck dude
With Yamato not as farfetched but how about Kiku not being with Kinemon/Kawamatsu at the shrine where Izo is buried? They just met each other after 20 years and no reaction or present to be at the shrine at all, coulf have just drawn one more character to where Kinemon/Kawamatsu are present
Izo was far cooler than Kiku, I didn't see that death coming since both Kiku and Kinemon took more damage but were somehow still awake and kicking a few minutes after Luffy's win against Kaido.
Even Hawkins seems to have died when he took less damage than Kiku
Izo was the best of the 2 brothers and at least was useful, Kilu failed to kill Kanjuro twice and is the reason why Ashura is dead :kayneshrug:
This chapter is a complete mess.

Revelations, and moments go by so fast, you miss them. Confirming Izo and Ashura's deaths after the fact was a very poor decision, and it makes me question how Oda wants me to feel after this arc. Pyrrhic? Cheery? It's hard to say because he crams so much within less than 20 pages.

Wano seemingly ending in 2 chapters at most makes me worry how many things go unaddressed or under developed. All of this goes back to what I was worried about since the arc began: Wano may be too much for Oda to chew.

Bringing in more and more figures and plotlines into a single arc overstuffed it. Plotpoints dropped and left all over the place, and there were several stretches that made me wonder if that sequence was even necessary to include. As if Oda did not think about the resolution to something through.

Wano has some genuinely amazing ideas. Samurai warriors who lost their way and need their spirits revived to return the home they lost is an excellent premise to work with. The Scabbards had a good basis. Oden was their savior and they wanted to give back to him. But they failed to be more beyond their devotion. The most well developed of their entourage, Kin'emon, meandered following his fight with Kaido, where all that was reminded was how devoted he was to the cause. A waste of time that would've been better served at developing the other plot lines still waiting to be addressed. And that's what the Scabbards mostly amounted to. A collection of 9 time wasters who's involvement largely stopped mattering after a certain point. And the fact it's 9 makes juggling them a nightmare. The Scabbards, I feel, represent a lot of the problems of the arc distilled into a faction of characters. Some of them who were established earlier were nonfactors, while others continued to persist even after they long served their purpose.

Linlin and the Big Mom Pirates were definitely too much for Oda to work with in a natural way. It shows how stumped he was that he essentially had Linlin bouncing around the arc as a plot device in service to the good guys instead of another threat as a result of the consequences in WCI. A character, deemed a second Kaido by characters in the story, was reduced to a little more than a side show to Kaido, as Oda could not devote time to two Emperors. The less said about the rest of the crew, the better.

All of the setup for Zoro, while mostly a B or C plot, didn't lead to anything. An opportunity for Oda to explore the second Straw Hat basically went nowhere. I know a lot of people are disappointed in ZKK not happening, but that's just a byproduct of the real issue. Oda simply didn't want to deepen Zoro's place within the story or something that can explore/redefine him in a way that can make us better appreciate his character. Zoro is still a great character. I'm not letting Wano's disappointment change that for me, but there was a missed chance to make it better, imo. And Wano was just the perfect setting given Zoro's concept fits the premise of the arc. And true, Oda didn't have to do this for Zoro, but the problem is, he established several things for Zoro that went nowhere.

There's loads more to say, but I'm not interested in writing a thesis on mostly negativity. And the arc wasn't all bad. Act 1 was a very quaint little journey for the first two Straw Hats, I enjoyed the historical references sprinkled throughout the arc. Oda's appreciation for his country is palpable. Toko and Yasu were very wholesome and a good reminder of why I should care about the conflict, and some of the Straw Hat's fights were the best highlights they've had in a long time. But for the most part, Wano just wasn't the epic I was hoping it would be, and I'm in no rush to reread it. A bloated and confused hodgepodge of characters synonymous with action figures in the way they were mashed against each other and tossed aside from like a child who's attention span hasn't fully developed.
This masterpiece of a post, perhaps the single most apt criticism of Wano that I have ever read, just earned you a follow. :cheers:
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