rate the chapter

  • Votes: 62 21.2%
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    Votes: 37 12.7%
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    Votes: 72 24.7%
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    Votes: 105 36.0%

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Talent is something you make bloom.
You are the one dumb as fk.
Show 1 panel of Mihawk ever commenting about Asura, or show 1 panel of Zoro ever using Asura in front of Mihawk? Mihawk has nothing to do with this.

If anything, Zoro the prodigy who accidentally unlocked CoC without trying to.
So, in 2 years of training, Zoro never showed Mihawk his best technique? Nice training :milaugh:
Btw, it means Zoro unlocked CoC when he was 19.
Luffy unlocked it at age 17.
Doflamingo used it was a child.
Nice prodigy :milaugh:

Stop making Zoro look like a retarded who doesn't understand a technique that he invented himself. Lol.
We literally got an explanation of what happened during the fight against King.
He went all out, as he says so himself, doing so allowed Enma to suck the CoC out of him, that he's unaware that he has.
That's all there's to it.

As I said, I give Zoro more credit than you, since I think Zoro understands his own techniques.
And, when training, you usually show your best moves in order for your coach/teacher/master/whatever to gauge where's your current skill, so he can help you develop accordingly.

BUt sure. Zoro and Mihawk are two retards who apparently don't know what CoC is.
All is fair game in the "wank war".


I finally understand why i love stories that are ensambles more instead of just teams following an MC

sucks to really enjoy side characters in those stories and watch them get shafted because of the MC

it's not every MC + team story like Avatar that gives all the side characters the same love and relevancy as the MC

Must be one of the reasons i like Critical Role and Marvel so much in the last few years, every character gets arcs and moments for themselves, they can all be powerful and move the plot

Gorosei Informer

I was trying to think of a word that described Ryokugyu and whimsical is a great word! The guy is flying into Wano on a flower!
Yeah, it reminds me of how Kizaru first appeared at Sabaody. He's definitely got that Kizaru influence in his character. Its one of my favourite words too.

Thank you anyway!

Everybody has a difference of opinion when it comes to how good this arc has been. Just because you hate it doesn't mean it was bad for someone else. There are always going to be flaws especially when a story is being rushed to it's conclusion. We all know this.

But it doesn't stop us from enjoying the chapter none the less.