Super early spoilers for 1053:
Title: Road to Laugh Tale
- Chapter starts with Robin reading the Poneglyphs, she's with Inu and Denjiro, there are 2 regular Poneglyps and 1 Road Poneglyph
- 1 Poneglyph is about Wano and Zou's history, Inu is very interrested
- 1 Poneglyph is about Uranus, Robin tells Denjiro they need to take care of Momo
- Marco gave Robin a copy of the 4th Road Poneglyph, Whitebeard had it
- Robin reads the 3th an 4the Road Poneglyph and discovers the location of Laugh Tale
- scene changes to Robin telling all the strawhats and they are all happy and Luffy wants to go right away.
- Greenbull shows up before they get the chance to leave
- He's there to help Wano rebuild and wants to talk to Momo
- Before he leaves Greenbull warns Luffy about Blackbeard
- Blackbeard found the ancient weapon Pluton and also a way to reach Laugh Tale
- Scene switched to Blackbeard who is reading Luffy's new bounty: 5 billion, he notes their bounties are now the same.
- We see he has Shanks captured in chains
- He laughs and tells Shanks he knew that Roger told him Laugh Tales location
- Doc Q now has the Mind-Mind fruit, a devil fruit to read peoples minds
- Chapter ends with an awesome double page spread showing Pluton, an extremely huge ship, with alot of weaponry
- Blackbeard screams that the final battle for the One Piece is between him and Strawhat, let's see who will become King of the Pirates!!
- End of Act 3 and the Yonko Saga
Editors note: The final race to Laugh Tale begins! Gotta go Fast!!