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Why would Sallu reveal you lol? His team will just know in private.
idk 🤷🏻‍♂️

but I’ll say no unless the info is needed.
Been in my slight scum leans all game. He targeted Flower with something bad but says he didn’t.
He’s good it was a troll
@MUUGEN what did mango use on flower?
He used a redirect he essentially used a negative action but it was to troll flower all her abilities targeted him for that cycle or phase
it is not possible
the. You just hit like a wet noodle why don’t you ask for amps from someone ?
Kagura visited Gram earlier btw. If anyone missed.

I’d slowly try to drag things out of her but I could die at any time so I just gotta throw this shit out there and not get cute.
Interesting she’s also been someone who’s been staying out of the spotlight only nika I’ve seen discuss kagu as scum tbh
muugen, what did mango use on flower, it is important
I heard you the first time don’t be annoying here.
He’s not being threatened for being scum lol. Just the opposite.
Well wasn’t ratchet wanting to shoot as a potential target - if he’s not scum it’s hard to tie him as either role.
Lethal Banks seems a good option too I think
shoot him or Juliet for all of us :)
Can't believe LM died when the dude was begging to be healed.... the healer has to be one of the afk people possible, because if he is active then this is straight up game throwing -.-

But JG slot is more sus now, especially now that we know that JG did not clear any lie detect, back to scum lean.

Pero needs to be looked at.

If someone can kill juliet, please do, wtf she is doing ?

If POT survives another lynch I am just done with this game lol.
Has juliet even posted in the last 2 cycles?
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