Future Events One of the new Emperors is a former Warlord

Honestly think it should be Luffy, Kid, and Law, or just Luffy. It being Luffy an a warlord would be kinda shitty. Because it would directly undercut what Kid and Law did in wano.
What on earth could any of those people have done that is more important than defeating big mom?
what did kid and law do? defeat a yonko in 2 v1

Gorosei Informer



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I really want Crocodile to become a Yonko tbh. Or Boa. Buggy would be perfection though. He can even replace Big Mom as the gag Yonko!

Seriously though, I suspect Shanks may die soon and Buggy will tragically replace him, as a sort of bittersweet tribute and this is what may break Buggy and make him get serious for once too. Unleashing a whole new side of him and making him FAR more dangerous.

But with Oda, he's MUCH more likely to keep Buggy as a gag character and just meme his way into Yonkoship and that's it. My idea is more Two Piece material.
Tbh Law lacks the…ambitions to be an Emperor. I‘d rather have it just be Kid and somebody else like Weevil. Boa is also a fine choice for the title.
Kid or Law would taint the Yonko title. Just saying.
That's the point of the goko.

The yonko were balanced, 3 crews that were roughly equal + WB who could have been PK but didn't want to. Under the 5 emperor system, there is unbalance, Luffy and Teach are far stronger than everyone else and are actively trying to be PK.