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Chapter 1,053: Collapse

Thanks to Malik from TalkOP
- Robin and Denjiro look at the 3rd Poneglyph. Robin asks for a copy of it.
- Party starts. Franky and Usopp arrive with the newspapers: the new emperors are Buggy, Luffy, Blackbeard, and Shanks. Luffy’s bounty is exactly 4 billion beri. Zoro 1,53 billion beri, Sanji 1,49 billion beri. Usopp 500 million, Franky 347 million, Robin 672 million, Jinbei 683 million, Brook 252 million beri Nami 189 million beri Chopper 100000 beri. Yamato has no bounty yet.
- Hiyori plays the shamisen
- GreenBull reaches the party. He says that he’s not there to fight but just to “clean” and “talk”.
- Sabo attacked Vivi and was captured by WG. The Revolutionary Army declared war against the government. Boa Hancock was captured, Weevil joined Blackbeard, Mihawk and Shanks apparently reunited, and Buggy’s position is currently unknown.
- Act 3 ends
Chapter 1,053: Collapse

Thanks to Malik from TalkOP
- Robin and Denjiro look at the 3rd Poneglyph. Robin asks for a copy of it.
- Party starts. Franky and Usopp arrive with the newspapers: the new emperors are Buggy, Luffy, Blackbeard, and Shanks. Luffy’s bounty is exactly 4 billion beri. Zoro 1,53 billion beri, Sanji 1,49 billion beri. Usopp 500 million, Franky 347 million, Robin 672 million, Jinbei 683 million, Brook 252 million beri Nami 189 million beri Chopper 100000 beri. Yamato has no bounty yet.
- Hiyori plays the shamisen
- GreenBull reaches the party. He says that he’s not there to fight but just to “clean” and “talk”.
- Sabo attacked Vivi and was captured by WG. The Revolutionary Army declared war against the government. Boa Hancock was captured, Weevil joined Blackbeard, Mihawk and Shanks apparently reunited, and Buggy’s position is currently unknown.
- Act 3 ends
Chapter 1,053: Collapse

Thanks to Malik from TalkOP
- Robin and Denjiro look at the 3rd Poneglyph. Robin asks for a copy of it.
- Party starts. Franky and Usopp arrive with the newspapers: the new emperors are Buggy, Luffy, Blackbeard, and Shanks. Luffy’s bounty is exactly 4 billion beri. Zoro 1,53 billion beri, Sanji 1,49 billion beri. Usopp 500 million, Franky 347 million, Robin 672 million, Jinbei 683 million, Brook 252 million beri Nami 189 million beri Chopper 100000 beri. Yamato has no bounty yet.
- Hiyori plays the shamisen
- GreenBull reaches the party. He says that he’s not there to fight but just to “clean” and “talk”.
- Sabo attacked Vivi and was captured by WG. The Revolutionary Army declared war against the government. Boa Hancock was captured, Weevil joined Blackbeard, Mihawk and Shanks apparently reunited, and Buggy’s position is currently unknown.
- Act 3 ends
If you wanted to make it believeable you should have avoied Usopp's 500 mil bounty and add Kidd/Law/Killer bounties
Chapter 1,053: Collapse

Thanks to Malik from TalkOP
- Robin and Denjiro look at the 3rd Poneglyph. Robin asks for a copy of it.
- Party starts. Franky and Usopp arrive with the newspapers: the new emperors are Buggy, Luffy, Blackbeard, and Shanks. Luffy’s bounty is exactly 4 billion beri. Zoro 1,53 billion beri, Sanji 1,49 billion beri. Usopp 500 million, Franky 347 million, Robin 672 million, Jinbei 683 million, Brook 252 million beri Nami 189 million beri Chopper 100000 beri. Yamato has no bounty yet.
- Hiyori plays the shamisen
- GreenBull reaches the party. He says that he’s not there to fight but just to “clean” and “talk”.
- Sabo attacked Vivi and was captured by WG. The Revolutionary Army declared war against the government. Boa Hancock was captured, Weevil joined Blackbeard, Mihawk and Shanks apparently reunited, and Buggy’s position is currently unknown.
- Act 3 ends
Who's Malik
He created two versions of BB probably from the real life BB names

Edward Teach - Blackbeard

Edward Newgate - Whitebeard

Marshal D Teach - Blackbeard, a lot closer to real life BB and he will probably be regarded as the most feared pirate or something along the lines just like real life

Imagine Maynard getting character development that lead to Blackbeard's defeat, or kills him after he gets defeated LOL
I'm all for Teach getting killed by Maynard man lol.

Like, in a scenario where Luffy finally defeats Teach and seals away his devil fruit powers a la Ozai vs Aang style, but heavily injured Teach escapes and somehow gets in a sea battle with Vice Admiral Maynard who manages to kill him on top of the Saber of Xebec giving a dramatic end of an actual "good" Marine killing an actual "bad" pirate.


Pepebusi Spammer
Chapter 1,053: Collapse

Thanks to Malik from TalkOP
- Robin and Denjiro look at the 3rd Poneglyph. Robin asks for a copy of it.
- Party starts. Franky and Usopp arrive with the newspapers: the new emperors are Buggy, Luffy, Blackbeard, and Shanks. Luffy’s bounty is exactly 4 billion beri. Zoro 1,53 billion beri, Sanji 1,49 billion beri. Usopp 500 million, Franky 347 million, Robin 672 million, Jinbei 683 million, Brook 252 million beri Nami 189 million beri Chopper 100000 beri. Yamato has no bounty yet.
- Hiyori plays the shamisen
- GreenBull reaches the party. He says that he’s not there to fight but just to “clean” and “talk”.
- Sabo attacked Vivi and was captured by WG. The Revolutionary Army declared war against the government. Boa Hancock was captured, Weevil joined Blackbeard, Mihawk and Shanks apparently reunited, and Buggy’s position is currently unknown.
- Act 3 ends
real open Shang Chi thread @Jailer


Talent is something you make bloom.
And I am sorry but Sanji will never have something as strong as ACoC . .
The cope when Oda, for the 28307120987312th time, slap on people's faces that Sanji is the 3rd strongest SH, even with a powerful member as Yamato, who has Adv CoC, in the crew, is gonna be marvelous.
It never stops being funny seeing these people embarrass themselves like this every time.
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