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If Zoro and Sanji are truly equal then both will get same bounty

If Zoro is marginally stronger than Sanji then the different in bounty won't exceed 75M

If Zoro has 150m to 200M more bounty then that means he's stronger by a decent margin

If it's 300M n above
It's over for Sanji fanboys
So does that logic work with Luffy and Zoro as well? as Luffy's bounty is currently a billion over Zoro.

I'm not against the idea I just want to make sure Zoro fans are consistent with it.
Chapter 1053
- Buggy and Luffy are considered yonko by Morgan
- Inu left on zunesha thats why hes not on wano
- Denjiro shows robin the 3rd Road Poneglyph
- Yamato is not accepted as a strawhat yet
- Strawhats have a combined bounty over 8bil
- Chopper no longer has a gag bounty

@TheAncientCenturion open thread
the world and the „peace“ would be in danger if the WG (the evil) would say that nika the warrior of liberation is awake and alive so they wont say it in a newspaper I guess only Imu and the 5 elders now that yet not even akainu
Chapter 1053
- Buggy and Luffy are considered yonko by Morgan
- Inu left on zunesha thats why hes not on wano
- Denjiro shows robin the 3rd Road Poneglyph
- Yamato is not accepted as a strawhat yet
- Strawhats have a combined bounty over 8bil
- Chopper no longer has a gag bounty

@TheAncientCenturion open thread
you must admit that the combo denjiro + robin for your fake spoilers came from me
Nope it is not . The gap is clear , simple as that . Zoro is clearly stronger . Far superior haki than Sanji and he is also an expert swordsman . Sanji cannot compete with Zoro . That is showcased by their future opponents.
Can Zoro use ifrit jambe ? Genetic modifications? Can he fly? Is he an expert has to hand martial artist? Y’all just list of zoros specs as if they mean anything. Franky spanked a swordsman with far superior haki than his just 20 chapters ago.
I knew Luffy wouldn't get a 5B bounty, his final bounty will absolutely be 5.6B so it made no sense for him to become comparable to Whitebeard now, but I was expecting him to at least surpass Kaido since he defeated him and because of the awakening....guess there are limits to how high your bounty can jump :few:
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