That's not true.

The Prequels were very bold in doing their own thing and sucking in unique ways.
and what happened after Jedis were killed? Same movie every fucking time. Oh "muh big laser planer" with fodder characters who we have no idea who they are.

Jedis are the coolest thing about star wars and they killed them off. So now when people go see new movies, they are watching literal whos shoot each other's planes in space. Killing off the Jedi was a mistake
How. Without Fake Aegon there was no justifiable way for them to do it.

Sams father and brother wasnt good enough at all to show it when every other character does shit like that the whole show

Danny being mad could have never have worked in the TV show
It could've worked if the showrunners didn't try to squeeze it in in the last 2 episodes