it’s fairly obvious that roger must have liked buggy much more than he liked shanks. shanks has literally nothing going for him while buggy is amazing:
1) buggy inspires huge crowds with his immense charisma – while shanks needs to stalk lone travellers/loiterers, begging them to join his crew (and even that doesn’t always work):
2) buggy has never asked someone to join his crew only to be turned down - while shanks tried to get buggy to join him but failed:
3) buggy attracts loyal followers and admirers despite never bothering to hide his cruel side – while shanks has to pretend to be a nice guy and bribe people by lying about treasure maps that don’t even exist
crew is joyful in anticipation of some buggy balls mayhem:
VS shanks lying to get people to cooperate w/him:
4) buggy is funny, making people laugh (and you all remember THE panel, right? the ’he laughed’ panel. and laugh tale, too, while we’re at it. laughter is big deal in OP) – shanks has never made anyone laugh
crew laughing bc buggy is so crafty:
5) buggy realized very quickly that blackbeard doesn’t behave normally – while shanks was completely oblivious and needed buggy to point that out to him (but even then shanks went on to make dumb and irrelevant comments about how BB's life must have been really fun
6) buggy didn’t burden his sick captain with his childish problems – while shanks was pestering roger bc he just couldn’t keep his tantrums to himself
7) buggy loved roger and cried at his execution – while shanks was hiding his face out of shame (bc he had poisoned roger and knew that he was indirectly responsible for his death)
8) buggy instantly clicked with roger’s blood (ace) (chapter 233, 528), – while some time after shanks’ encounter with ace, sengoku found out who ace's father was. sengoku to shanks @marineford: 'because it's you...'
VS special treatment from sengoku:
9) buggy has never snitched – while shanks loves to snitch (bottom panel with the gorosei):
roger to buggy: you're a funny little fellow. and you've got great leadership skills! and it was perceptive of you to notice how teach never sleeps ;)
shanks: what about me..?
roger: know what? here. have this hat :)
1) buggy inspires huge crowds with his immense charisma – while shanks needs to stalk lone travellers/loiterers, begging them to join his crew (and even that doesn’t always work):


2) buggy has never asked someone to join his crew only to be turned down - while shanks tried to get buggy to join him but failed:

3) buggy attracts loyal followers and admirers despite never bothering to hide his cruel side – while shanks has to pretend to be a nice guy and bribe people by lying about treasure maps that don’t even exist
crew is joyful in anticipation of some buggy balls mayhem:

VS shanks lying to get people to cooperate w/him:

4) buggy is funny, making people laugh (and you all remember THE panel, right? the ’he laughed’ panel. and laugh tale, too, while we’re at it. laughter is big deal in OP) – shanks has never made anyone laugh
crew laughing bc buggy is so crafty:

5) buggy realized very quickly that blackbeard doesn’t behave normally – while shanks was completely oblivious and needed buggy to point that out to him (but even then shanks went on to make dumb and irrelevant comments about how BB's life must have been really fun

6) buggy didn’t burden his sick captain with his childish problems – while shanks was pestering roger bc he just couldn’t keep his tantrums to himself

7) buggy loved roger and cried at his execution – while shanks was hiding his face out of shame (bc he had poisoned roger and knew that he was indirectly responsible for his death)

8) buggy instantly clicked with roger’s blood (ace) (chapter 233, 528), – while some time after shanks’ encounter with ace, sengoku found out who ace's father was. sengoku to shanks @marineford: 'because it's you...'

VS special treatment from sengoku:

9) buggy has never snitched – while shanks loves to snitch (bottom panel with the gorosei):

roger to buggy: you're a funny little fellow. and you've got great leadership skills! and it was perceptive of you to notice how teach never sleeps ;)
shanks: what about me..?
roger: know what? here. have this hat :)
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