What the best thing in the chap ?

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Shanks, Kurohige and Buggy,,, (These three Emperors with almost same age, same generation)

Shanks and Buggy could easily make an alliance like (Big Mom and Kaido) if Lord Buggy want. (Shanks loves him like a brother in law):gokulaugh:

The story would be more interesting if Big Mom and/or Kaido are still active during this new reign. :suresure:
AdmiraLs must die of shame for failing to even scratch Pre Shichibukai Buggy and Mihawk failed big time in becoming a Yonko
Mihawk canonically one shot a Lonko by a mere bullet deflection and cause another one to run for his life back in MF, where Akainu scared off those two Lonkos (and traumatized one of them) just by existing after low diffing the strongest Lonko. :milaugh:

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
@General Duke Hyuo
I honestly did not believe that Buggy was actually a new Yonkou. I still can’t… I get it. Yonkou is more about “influence” but come on… Buggy???!


I hope the spoilers are fake somehow

because i will lose any seriousness i have for One Piece left if Buggy became a Yonkou lmao

i will still enjoy One Piece, but as a joke, not the epic fantasy i had i my mind


Lead them to paradise.
Becoming Yonko/Emperor wasn't necessarily about Strength Level, rather power/influence/political ties.

Thats probably why Buggy and Shanks moved up, they probably had artificial feats and/or information traded for their position
Luffy just beat 2 commanders and had islands + a fleet, they didnt even know if he could sky split

Thats why Emperor title has been diminishing in value ever since

This is just my take. Im just trolling the fake shanks boys that would gatekeep mihawk from being a top tier
You can become an Emperor in multiple ways, also why diss Shanks like that? The baseline for emperor is Luffy and now Buggy ( assuming huge crew+ territories) but one needs physical strength to defend said territories. Like WB, BM,etc

Those two things arent mutually exclusive, though they are not indicative that Shanks> Mihawk anyways because mihawk himself is individually strong.
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