What the best thing in the chap ?

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Luffy get's huge bounty and becomes a Yonko. People are still disappointed, because Kid and Law have the same bounty.

Kid and Law get a huge bounty increase, more than most thought possible. People are still disappointed, because they didn't became a Yonko.

Giving these 3 the same bounty really caused a disappointment on all fronts.
No same can't be said about kid. His offense is strong as fuck. It made big mom bloody on more than one occasion. His first awakening move made big mom l's face and hand bloody along with breaking her nose. His second move broke her hand slong with law's second move and also knocked her out cold. His third and final move made big mom caugh blood and knocked her out twise. Heck his last move penetrated her advanced conquerers haki and her thick skin and her armament haki and overpowered her
Big moms durability is overrated as fuck and still Law was the only one to do any real damage to her
Dude have you even noticed how many people here are rude to me?
It's because all what you say is insults and slandering people whenever they post something's that's anti Zoro. I swear i used to like Zoro before mingling with this shallow community that only cares about power scaling and ignore connecting to others throughout the world who share the same interests and have civil discussions. You still can change Shishio, just be nice to others even if you have to give up being open about liking Zoro for the time being in order to avoid conflict
What's with the anti Kid and Law stans. They took down an emperor and are receiving the accolades for that feat. Now people are pushing....Luffy is stronger. Maybe...maybe not.. But we won't truly know unless they fight each other. Until then, they are considered equals while Zoro is below them in the same category as Killer and Sanji.
Good luck arguing with mass psychosis. When you rant about your headcannon 8 hours a day for years you lose grip on reality. If Oda saw somebody irl say “speed feat” or “mid diff” in real life he would just assume they were autistic and ignore them but in here those are apparently the things the story revolves around
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