Yes Kidd gets cut if he gets close then what? He shrugs it off. Then casts Assign on his swords and on Zoro. Problem?
LMAO so this is your basis for Zoro’s exaggerated AP claims, that he cut Kaido and made him scream? The same screams that captains made him do before he even did that?
Kidd is not more durable than Kaido but it doesnt matter because he already has better durability feats than Zoro has AP feats. You can hide Kidd’s feats behind ‘BM is incompetent’ all you want but it doesn’t change the narrative fact that he 2v1d a Yonko who’s the near equal of Kaido and got a bounty same as his captain while Zoro only beat a YC1 and passed out afterwards.
LMAO so this is your basis for Zoro’s exaggerated AP claims, that he cut Kaido and made him scream? The same screams that captains made him do before he even did that?

Kid being less durable than Kaido and him being too strong for Zoro's AP don't go hand in hand because Zoro could cut Kaido. I don't doubt Big Mom's power as a Yonko but her punches aren't really of a very high AP and she has no cutting ability whatsoever, so you can't really use her to say Kid tanks Zoro when he can't even tank Apoo. Big Mom is nowhere near being equal to Kaido but that's a debate for another day.
So if Kata can evade Zoro then how does he beat him? Kata can predict all of Zoro’s attacks and shapeshift his way out. Zoro swings and he can trap his arms just like G4. That sounds like a bad match-up too dont you agree?

Yeah, of course, Katakuri is a bad match-up for Zoro because Zoro can't hurt him as long as he has FS. There was not a single instance where I said Zoro counters FS. At least bother reading posts before reaching clueless conclusions.