What the best thing in the chap ?

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I'm wondering who Kid and Law will fight when Luffy fights blackbeard. Kid and Law's bounties have been rising with Luffy's. This means that they will likely reach the 5 billion mark with Luffy, presumably when Luffy beats blackbeard.

Oda could make Teach a 15 billion berry bounty pirate and the captain trio 3v1 him(with it obviously turning into a 1v1 down the road).
another possibility is Kid vs shanks, Law vs aokiji.
Or maybe if the battle happens in elbaf, Oda can introduce some new giant character to give them a fight.
Lmao luffy got the same bounty as law and kidd while the latter fought in 2 vs 1 ?

Hahahaha, told you Luffy won't get more than shanks. Rip "5billions fans"!

Imagine having the same bounty with someone who did nothing like captain kidd.

And buggy the yonkou!!

Hahaha this arc is really a L for all fanbase :gokulaugh:


I will never forgive Oda
if said tertiary character is one of the strongest in this generation
i dont care tbh
its much >>>>>> a crewmember fighting an admiral.
Nah, Kidd's not an interesting character IDK why you'd wanna give him a fight over Sanji. Especially when Oda underpeforms when drawing Kidd actually fight, he's the most boring fighter on the Alliance side.
The absolute retarded sounding one here is you. Marco is actually so much above King and Queen, he so amazing AP but he got his ass whooped like a fucking fodder and tossed to the side while his oponnent that negged him goes on to fight Zoro extreme diff.

Wow! I'd actually be surpised if i didn't know which team you belong too. Well, years of Admiral slander and the Morley jokes surely have catched up so i guess i know why especially you are coping so hard now.
The ones tossed aside like fucking fodders were King and Queen, that's why we have explicit panels of it and not of Marco being tossed aside you fucking clown lmao.

King Queen murder scrubbards
King and Queen are not murdering anyone of the scabbards in a 2 vs 9.
Sulong InuNeko destroyed Jack in some minutes. Neither King or Queen can destroy Jack in less than some hours.
These two will destroy King or Queen and the other will confront the other 7 Scabbards, from which we have Ashura Douji (=Base Jack/Base InuNeko) + the other 6.
Raizo can absorb Queen's lasers or King's flames with his scroll making those attacks useless.
King needed Ashura to be distracted 20 years ago to cheapshot him, despite the numerical advantage and fighting for a while.

You need to be on some heavy drug to think that King and Queen can defeat Scabbards xDDD.

So Kaido's feat will remain the best. And he did it with brute force, while GB it seems used Hax (since you probably will need a strong Haki to counter that Cell's technique or some shit, which ofc King and Queen don't have).
Lmao luffy got the same bounty as law and kidd while the latter fought in 2 vs 1 ?

Hahahaha, told you Luffy won't get more than shanks. Rip "5billions fans"!

Imagine having the same bounty with someone who did nothing like captain kidd.

And buggy the yonkou!!

Hahaha this arc is really a L for all fanbase :gokulaugh:
Luffy fought a 20 v 1 tornado match then went to sleep for a week
The ones tossed aside like fucking fodders were King and Queen, that's why we have explicit panels of it and not of Marco being tossed aside you fucking clown lmao.

King and Queen are not murdering anyone of the scabbards in a 2 vs 9.
Sulong InuNeko destroyed Jack in some minutes. Neither King or Queen can destroy Jack in less than some hours.
These two will destroy King or Queen and the other will confront the other 7 Scabbards, from which we have Ashura Douji (=Base Jack/Base InuNeko) + the other 6.
Raizo can absorb Queen's lasers or King's flames with his scroll making those attacks useless.
King needed Ashura to be distracted 20 years ago to cheapshot him, despite the numerical advantage and fighting for a while.

You need to be on some heavy drug to think that King and Queen can defeat Scabbards xDDD.

So Kaido's feat will remain the best. And he did it with brute force, while GB it seems used Hax (since you probably will need a strong Haki to counter that Cell's technique or some shit, which ofc King and Queen don't have).
Yeah. In a 3 v 2 (Sulong Neku and Ino with Izo) i see the Scabbards winning. 9 v 2 or 9 v 3 is a stomp
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