What the best thing in the chap ?

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I said it many times, Yonko Commanders aren't that big of a deal, Shichibukai are way above them
Glad Ryokugyu basically confirmed it

Only ones who are Hyped are Roux/Yasopp due to Red-Hair Pirates being Strongest Crew (Quality Wise)
And Shiryu who was considered as strong as Magellan even before he joined Blackbeard

Marco, Jozu, Three Calamities, Sweet Commanders (Not sure about Kata) ... etc
Are all just Strong Executives, nothing close to Top Tier
Same thing they did this arc when Sanji was fighting a Calamity. Fight a random third party or not be in the arc.

Yamato will have a weaker opponent to Sanji.
Law and Kidd are luffy’s actual right hand men. Story is going to revolve around the supernovas, you really Think Oda is going to waste an admiral on Sanji ? Nah mate you couldn’t have been more wong.

Gol D. Roger

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Kid and law together aren't getting stomped by any yonko or admiral

And no matter how you feel about big mom she's still comparable to her rocks and yonko rivals
Depends on the kind of abilities they have. If Kid is on the ground for a split second and GB got to attack him, I don't think he'd be in any shape to continue fighting. The admirals are offense-based fighters, you can't afford to get hit against them most of the time. Faring well against a defense-based fighter who loves tanking attacks won't increase your chances against an offense-based fighter. Big Mom certainly can't kill these two as quickly as GB.

Also, GB beating King and Queen doesn't suddenly reduce their skills nor does it increase Law and Kid's skills. You're forcing a false equivalence here.
It would mean Sabo and the 3 put a much better fight than a "recovered" King and Queen

Them freely using their powers is an excuse, same excuse I can make for Sabo being refrained in Dressrosa and Mariejoia too with his logia. Hell Ryokugyu aint even destructive if anything, his power is of a different nature, Sabo has a lot more destructive force than plants, that excuse is nulled.
Sabo hard counters Green bull if you think about it. Green bull powers only acts fuel to make Sabo even more lethal. Burning twigs >>>trying to burn flesh.
Green bull should just fight Zoro. Sanji would have an unfair advantage in terms of power match ups.
I said it many times, Yonko Commanders aren't that big of a deal, Shichibukai are way above them
Glad Ryokugyu basically confirmed it

Only ones who are Hyped are Roux/Yasopp due to Red-Hair Pirates being Strongest Crew (Quality Wise)
And Shiryu who was considered as strong as Magellan even before he joined Blackbeard

Marco, Jozu, Three Calamities, Sweet Commanders (Not sure about Kata) ... etc
Are all just Strong Executives, nothing close to Top Tier
Lol Doffy and Hancock wish they could lay a finger on a YC.
Get real my man.
The duality of man

Okay so I’ve been mentioned literally 13 times, time to peep these spoilers once more:

Oh my Fucking god, I love it, I absolutely love it

An Admiral literally solo’ing an entire Yonko crew while also maintaining the facade that the Marines can’t solo a Yonko crew is sure to send these confused Yankers into an eternal mental loop of confusion. Meanwhile, this reiterates the exact points I’ve been making for years, that the Government can easily eliminate the Yonko but actively chooses not to for a variety of complex reasons

See this is what Wano has been missing, actual fucking nuance, and this is what the Admirals always brought to the OP manga. This is the type of writing that has so thoroughly confused babies for a decade, but made so explicit that now these very same babies can no longer deny that the Government is deliberately allowing the Yonko to exist and deliberately allowing the OP world to maintain the power structure that it is, because said power balance actively benefits them by allowing them to maintain power.

God damn. I’m sure Yankers will still be confused, but for me this shit is just according to keikaku (translator note: keikaku means plan)

Anyway, best chaired in the past 4 years of One Piece without question.
Yh it does honestly make a lot of sense.
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