What the best thing in the chap ?

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Go read the One Piece spoilers my guy, Greenbul washed the Beast Pirates but only King isnt taking damage, i dont know about this other spoilers your talking about im not a clown so i dont read 4 Piece like you
Man you are full trolling, king is literally covered in blood and cant move+a plant pierced his chest, how can you say that he hasnt took damage, he is finished like the rest of the fodders in the background.
Admiralbros pissed at first sign of trouble... Who would have guessed... :milaugh:
You want to tell me that Calamities are imprisoned without cuffs?
Do you need to dumb yourselves down that much for a sake of an agenda?
Or you got an explanation why King and Queen who can wreck the place are without cuffs?
Or why King who can transform into a bird and fly away is staying for Aramaki's merienda?
Think, bois, think. :myman:
Don't die on this ''imprisonment'' hill, dude. It looks like Beast Pirates set up a field hospital in Udon and got ambushed by trash GB whille recovering :cheers:
I don’t care to be honest, every Admiral is a W match up at this point. I think that Fuji will be an ally.
So we’re only left with GB and Kizaru.
I think it would be cool if Zoro would fight against someone who has similar characteristics as Sanji and Sanji vs Kizaru would be great speed battle.
I would also be happy with Zoro vs Kizaru and Sanji vs GB (he doesn’t cherish food).

Or we’ll get Law and Kidd vs Kizaru and GB
zoro wont fight him because he is not black
Kid and law together aren't getting stomped by any yonko or admiral

And no matter how you feel about big mom she's still comparable to her rocks and yonko rivals
Greenbull is completely different to Big Mom. Big Mom literally defeated them and left like an idiot. Her incompetence is part of the reason they "won".

Greenbull wouldve finished them off

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung look at how some nerds claiming shit like GB>Akainu...
The duality of man

Okay so I’ve been mentioned literally 13 times, time to peep these spoilers once more:

Fodder: King-san! Queen-san!!

Queen: Owaaah!! I'm the type who doesn't lose weight on purpose!

Ryokugyu: I told you to stop right!? I would lose my face if i lose to a mere commander! The navy don't have military power to 'clean up the aftermath' right now... As i've predicted you guys...
better translation:

...ahh ugh...


Queen: "Aahh!! I'm not the type to lose weight!"

Greenbull: "Shut up!! Didn't I just tell you that now? I'd lose my head if I got stood up by an executive. The Navy doesn't have the strength right now to clean this mess up that you guys made.. you guys are just like I had expected..!!"

glug glug glug (coming from his weird root thingys)

den den mushi buzzing sound pururururu greenbull gasps (in the context that you just like chugged some water / booze) (edited)

Oh my Fucking god, I love it, I absolutely love it

An Admiral literally solo’ing an entire Yonko crew while also maintaining the facade that the Marines can’t solo a Yonko crew is sure to send these confused Yankers into an eternal mental loop of confusion. Meanwhile, this reiterates the exact points I’ve been making for years, that the Government can easily eliminate the Yonko but actively chooses not to for a variety of complex reasons

See this is what Wano has been missing, actual fucking nuance, and this is what the Admirals always brought to the OP manga. This is the type of writing that has so thoroughly confused babies for a decade, but made so explicit that now these very same babies can no longer deny that the Government is deliberately allowing the Yonko to exist and deliberately allowing the OP world to maintain the power structure that it is, because said power balance actively benefits them by allowing them to maintain power.

God damn. I’m sure Yankers will still be confused, but for me this shit is just according to keikaku (translator note: keikaku means plan)

Anyway, best chapter in the past 4 years of One Piece without question.

EDIT: oh and also, Admiral = Commander Fucking obliterated right now.
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