What the best thing in the chap ?

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:myman:BMP trashed Luffy - Capone - Germa alliance at Tea party
Kata no diffed Ichiji, mid diffed pre fs luffy (including G4).
Enraged army trashed luffy and Nami
Cracker sent Urouge packing
SC (Snack) stopped Apoo
Trashed Fishmen pirates anf Germa at cacao
Pero trashed Carrot and Wanda
Trashed WG fleets

No Yonko crew has as many combat Ws as BMP does
the bmp is the same as ulti for the tobi roppo.
everyone thought they were the weakest of the group because were the first to be defeated but when oda ridicules everything that comes after people will realize they were the best.
Alright my guys; let me tell you what I’m afraid of lol:

So we know Coby wants to be an Admiral right? We also know that Smoker may be a contender (idfk, Oda might do it)

So obviously neither Coby nor Smoker the last time we saw them were remotely near Admiral level,

But in order for Coby at least to be able to possibly attain an Admiral seat in the future, that would require one Admiral seat to actually be open, right?

And now we have Green Bull saying he wants to capture Luffy, Kidd, and Law…lol

Unless Oda just plans to completely forget about Coby wanting to become an Admiral, right now would be the ideal time for Oda to open an Admiral seat for Coby to pursue…lol

Green Bull even says “someone in my position can’t lose to mere commanders” which could be viewed as foreshadowing that his defeat is incoming…

@AdmiralKinyagi @Extravlad @Wiwi @God Buggy @The White Crane @AkainuTheGrimReaper @MarineHQ62

Coby is set up to become an admiral after the final war not before. Coby will be one of the spearheads who will usher in the new era of the marines once the corrupt world government has been toppled. It's been set up that way from the beginning
So obviously neither Coby nor Smoker the last time we saw them were remotely near Admiral level,

But in order for Coby at least to be able to possibly attain an Admiral seat in the future, that would require one Admiral seat to actually be open, right
Or Ryokugyu and Fujitora will retire with the new world order, which would align with their philosophy, while Kizaru just doesn't care about the exact order but just does his job. Lol. Even if Ryokugyu falls now, it's too early for Coby. And Smoker isn't ready either.
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