What the best thing in the chap ?

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How did King "The Wildfire" lose to branches lmao. You'd think thanks to his ephitet hed be able to set a few branches on fire and free himself.

Ryoukugyu too goated.
King and Queen were still unconscious when GreenBull attacked them. Luffy and Zoro are only waking up now, why defeated ones would wake up early than winners?
You know, if Greenbull has a Blackblade, and if BlackBlade is connected to Conqueror Haki like most of us assume, then GB most likely has COC too
Gawd dang :handsup:
Black blades might be connected to those who specialize in CoA, see it as MAX CoA where the blade can't be broken anymore like pomeglyphs.

Would basically not make CoC and CoA so fking similar. Let's to a bit on CoA hardening roots.

Either way would mean he is a haki beast, be it him having CoC or him specialize in CoA

I lean more to him being a CoA beast, would also help his df greatly (already using CoA with his roots)

While Fuji is a CoO beast
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